“Then enlighten me.” He tucked the loose strands of hair behind her ear.

She angled her head away. “I think we need to be careful here.”

“What do you mean?” he asked, wanting her to spell it out. What they were feeling.

“I didn’t invite you here as anything but a guest.”


“An attraction is just that. An attraction. It doesn’t have to be acted on.”

“Fair enough.” He rested his elbows on his knees, clasping his bottle, retreating for now. But only to regroup. “I appreciate your generosity with the room. Your place here offers a homey feel I don’t find often in my travels. Now back to talking about your dog. I want to know more about the training.”

Even in the moonlight, he noticed a blush rise on her neck. She sipped her wine, before talking into the glass. “You’re just being polite.”

“I’m curious. Explain it so my techie mind understands.”

“Okay, have you heard about studies on dogs that can sniff out cancer?”

“I have.” He nodded, gesturing with his beer. “I assume it’s like drug-sniffing dogs.”

“Nice analogy. And there are dogs that alert to seizures and diabetes glucose drops.”

“Keep talking.” He genuinely wanted to know. And God, he also liked the sound of her voice.

“Those all involve chemical changes in the body, with physical tells. Think of processing issues and stress from autism in the same way. We can teach the dog to anticipate problems, assist in managing the environment... Your eyes are glazing over.”

Narrowing his gaze, he processed the implications of what she was saying.

“No, I’m thinking. It makes sense.” He leaned forward, looking past her, eyes alert on the surrounding area, always looking and observing. A calm street in a calm town, no threat to either of them present here. Old habits stayed with him, probably would forever. Including his drive to help, which was giving life to a deep protectiveness for this woman carving out a life on her own in the face of challenges that would have caused many people to crumble. “Have you got an online presence to chronicle your journey with Miss Molly and Colby?”

“In all my free time?” she asked drily.

“You could make a difference for others. Let me help set something up for you. I can make it very user friendly. And you would be surprised at the reach you can get with adding in guest bloggers like your trainer, your vet, people here in town.” He grinned. “The cyberworld isn’t all bad, you know.”

“Why would you do that for me?” Her slender fingertips traced the rim of her wineglass, and she tilted her head in wonderment.

“Because what you’re doing is important. You wanted to help. I like to help. I’m a lucky man. I can do what I want with my time. No worries about income. It’s not a huge sacrifice really. I’ll get one of my techs to work with your trainer. Free publicity for her, since she’s volunteering her time at a discount to you. Call it paying things forward.”

Her eyes lifted in surprise. “That’s really kind of you. Thank you.”

A crooked smile spread across his face. “I’m not doing it just to be kind.”

“Then why are you?” She leaned into him, desire flashing in her eyes.

“It’s a good thing to do...” He angled closer, unable to resist. “And because I really, really want to get on your good side so you’ll let me kiss you.”


Determined to put a hint of space between them even if she couldn’t will herself to just walk away, Natalie flattened a hand to his chest.

The hard, muscled wall of his chest.


“I’m complimented you want to kiss me, but that’s not included in the bed-and-breakfast package.”

He chuckled, the rumble of his laugh vibrating against her hand. “That’s the nicest put-down I’ve ever received.”