He wanted to launch from the bed and close the space between them, cradle her close and make sure she was okay, but she had a distinct stay-back expression, her eyes filled with the unmistakable need to say more.

But he had something to say first. “Natalie, if I hurt you, then, God, I’m so sorry—”

She held up a hand. “No, you didn’t hurt me and you have nothing to apologize for. You’re...more. So I read up on how to help make things easier for us and I have ideas. Why are you smiling? I’m being serious here.”

Was he grinning? Hell, yes. “You want to have sex with me again. Of course I’m smiling.” And he was doing his best not to just jump her, because she was here and he was throbbing to have her under him.

Over him.

Beside him.

“I’m trying to be serious here.”

“Okay, I can be very serious about having sex with you. Tell me more about your research.”

“You don’t look very serious.”

“Oh, I can assure you.” He stood and moved toward her. “When it comes to making sure you are thoroughly, completely, blissfully satisfied, you have my one hundred percent undivided, serious attention.”

Her eyes flicked to his as he closed the distance between them. Her eyebrows rose, anticipation showing on her face. Inviting.

Max’s hands went into her hair, and he let a soft triumphant laugh roll free as he brought his face to hers. He could feel the smile in her cheeks.

They stayed at the precipice of a kiss for a moment, sharing breaths. Natalie’s hands wrapped around him, tightly, urgently.

Kissing her caused his whole body to pulse with life. Quickly. Fully. Because, there was no denying the truth. A kiss from Natalie topped anything he’d felt with women in the past.

Right now he couldn’t even bring their names or faces to mind.

His thoughts, his gaze, even his breath, were all focused on Natalie.


Max’s skilled tongue and roving fingers had Natalie’s toes curling. With a heavy inhale, she soaked in his hot breath on her skin, the subtle nudges pushing her closer. And closer.

They’d barely begun, and this man had somehow already had her pushing on the throes of total passion.

“Hold right there.” His deep voice rumbled in her ear.

Her eyes fluttered open as she stared at him in amazement. Her body was still ablaze from his touch. “Excuse me?”


“Don’t move.” He sprang to his feet, crossed to the oak dresser and opened the top drawer. “Close your eyes.”

“Um, I’m not so sure about that.” Angling her head to the side, she studied him in the dull yellow light of the room. God, he was so starkly handsome. “That requires a lot of trust.”

“You’re here, so I hope that means you trust me.” He winked. “If that’s the case, I promise to do my best to make sure you won’t be disappointed.” He tapped her eyebrows one after the other, encouraging her.

“Okay, then.” She shut her eyes tight, resisting the urge to peek, though curiosity gnawed at her. Nerves pulled at her, along with anticipation. She wanted this. She was determined this time she could lose herself without reservation. She’d done her best to prepare, to absolutely make the most of this moment.

Which would be helped tremendously by taking control of her nerves.

One deep breath at a time, she pushed away concerns and sank into the present. Only here. Only now.

Natalie began to enjoy a sensation of sounds. She could hear his muffled footsteps on the carpet as he worked around the room. From the thuds, he never seemed to linger in any one place for long. The drawers opened with the creaking only old wood produced.

The sound of hurried assembly mingled with a match strike—a subtle smell of fire entered the air. Natalie felt twin to the match flame as it found the wick. Light vanilla and jasmine scents wafted through the room.