im was more combustible than she would have predicted. She’d been looking for more of a simple release, a way to deal with this crazy obsession.

But his touch had been...electric. Surprisingly tender. Beautifully intuitive.

The night would have been perfect, if only her body hadn’t carried a betrayal. She’d expected a bit of adjustment after so long without sex. She had not expected quite so much, from the combination of abstinence and his size. His skill as a lover had brought her to completion, but her body was definitely tender. She almost felt as if she was revisiting the morning after losing her virginity.

And that frustrated her. She wanted to just lose herself in a wild, simple, brief affair. Something that wasn’t going to happen until she figured out this issue with her body.

As she scrubbed the plates, the sound of heavy footfalls sounded behind her, cutting short her thoughts. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Max approach. Stomach fluttering, she turned back to her work.

Max slipped behind her, his arms drawing her to him. Hot breath curled around the nape of her neck. He kissed tender skin there, reminding her of all the ways she’d come undone in his arms the night before. His intense attention to detail, always apparent in his job, had been a delicious gift in bed. Just thinking about that made her breath quicken, and she melted into that moment.

But something else worked its way into those sensual thoughts. Though the guests had all checked out for the day, there was still a chance that she and Max could be spotted.

Swallowing, she spun around, grabbing a dish towel before she placed her hands on his muscled chest. “We need to talk.”

She took a deep breath, willing her pulse to slow down. Her brain to catch up with her senses.

He squinted, as if trying to analyze her words like computer code. She could see his detective gears spinning. “That sounds ominous,” he said.

“It’s not...” Her shoulders sagged a bit, and she seemed to shrink away from him.

“About what?”

A long sigh gave her enough time to gather her thoughts. And courage. “About how we’re going to handle things now that we’re sleeping together and living under the same roof.”

He reached out to touch her arm. Careful. Enough to send a shiver down her spine. “To be clear, we’re not living under the same roof. It’s your roof. I’m a guest, a boarder. I understand that. So, if you were panicking that I expect to move into your bedroom, then put your mind at rest.”

She’d never even considered the possibility. The idea of nightly access to Max was enough to send her imagination into overdrive. But, of course, that wasn’t happening. “Okay, I’m glad you realize that. But that wasn’t what I was going to say.” A sad kind of smile tugged at her heart as well as her mouth as she stared at him. Took in his dark features and the concern that splintered across his eyes.

“Well, hell. You sure put me in my place.”

“I apologize. It’s not my way to make someone uncomfortable. But I do have to say, you don’t look particularly wounded.”

An uncomfortable laugh escaped his lips. Raising his eyebrow, he gestured. “Say your piece, woman.”

“I need for you to be careful outside the bedroom.”

“Clarify that?”

“I don’t want gossip among the guests. I have a professional reputation to maintain. We may have gone on a date, but I have to live in this town afterward.” That was the reality. Whatever existed between her and Max was temporary. He would leave because, as he pointed out, he was a boarder. This transient relationship could not impact her standing in this town.

“After I leave, you mean,” he said, eyes burning into hers.

She raised her chin, leveling him with a stare all her own. “Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.”

“You’re writing me off awfully fast.”

She chewed her lip, pulling away from him. Needing to remember to build space between them and guard her heart. “You know you’re going home, more likely sooner rather than later.”

“Still, gone isn’t exactly...gone.” He wiggled his hand around above his head. “I have an airplane. I could be here more often than planned.”

“That’s all hypothetical. I’m talking about today. About this town...about my children.”

“Even if I were to stay somewhere else, they already know me separate from you. I—and others—enjoy being part of their lives. It’s about more than helping you. They’re good kids who’ve been through a lot.”

“I realize that. And I believe the more people who contribute positive moments to their lives, the better. Truly. I’m grateful for the way people rally around them.” She leaned back against the counter, her T-shirt brushing against water, dampening her back.

“They’re great kids. You’re a great person.”