Seeing her happy... Yeah, he could get off on that all night long.

They walked down the stairs to the SUV. The drive wasn’t long, not nearly long enough for him to get his fill of looking at her slim legs. But then he wasn’t sure how long would be enough soaking in the appeal of her.

About twenty minutes later, they reached their destination—the Society, a five-star steak house Chels had raved about. He trusted his friend’s taste would not steer him wrong tonight in his quest to impress Natalie.

He eyed her across the table, the low lighting playing with hints of gold in her auburn hair. Her body swayed ever so slightly to the riffs of live Spanish guitar as they talked, reminding him of the way she’d moved in his arms during that kiss that had been spontaneous combustion. She had a dancer’s grace, a musician’s ear for the rise and fall of the notes. It might not be the right time to make a move for sex, but dancing? Yes, he decided he would dance with her, feel her body against his before long.

Meanwhile, easy conversation flowed, about favorite books, movies, foods, recreation... He couldn’t get to know enough about her. He certainly wouldn’t have expected she was into hiking. He envisioned dozens of places around the globe he would like to show her...with her kids? Hell, sure, why not? He could imagine her and the kids in a private

jet, the dog, too, and maybe the trainer as sitter when he and Natalie wanted time alone—

Holy hell.

The thought caught him up short. Who the hell was he to think of himself in some kind of parental authoritative role? He was far from qualified for that job. And he needed to tread carefully when it came to her children, keep things light, not let them get too attached to him.

Or him to them.

This was about Natalie. And him. And exploring the attraction while he was in town. It couldn’t be more, for either of their sakes.

Still, even watching her eat was a total turn-on. She seemed relaxed and was enjoying herself as she finished off her caprese salad with Texas goat cheese. And wine. He already knew she enjoyed her wine...

He added hiking through a French vineyard to his list of possible dates. With a wine-tasting dinner after...

Max found himself wondering when the last time she’d been out like this had been. Or out, period. Natalie seemed to give everyone around her comforts, but didn’t seem to allow herself to indulge.

And how he wanted to indulge and spoil her.

The table was small, intimate...and probably too tiny to properly house the amount of food they’d ordered. That didn’t matter, though. They were together and that had been the goal.

He held her hand, felt the surge of her pulse increase at his touch. A flush spread over her skin, perceptible even in the dim light of the restaurant. Her eyes moved past him, skimming over the decor. The place, to his eye, looked like a living sunset. Stately paintings of the open Texas terrain hung on the walls, candlelight cast orange hues in the space—the feeling of twilight. Like Natalie.

Her slender fingers twined with his, calling his attention fully back to her. To the present. She raised her brows at him, and the strap of her silky lavender dress slid just off her shoulder as she speared a tomato with her fork.

The image sent him reeling. In the flickering light, he felt like he really saw her. Natalie the caretaker, the tenacious spirit. Her soft hair pooled on her shoulders, the wildness of her curls tamed by a vintage hair comb pushing her hair from her face, revealing her slender features.

Normally he charged ahead and ordered for his date, but tonight he’d found himself settling back, daring her to order for them, wanting to hear what she would pick. She chose filet mignon topped with lemon-butter sauce, steamed asparagus and portobello mushrooms. In between all his questions, she’d eaten with relish—she wasn’t one of those three-bites-and-leave-the-rest kind of people.

She savored the meal and, God, he found that sensual relish appealing. When she set down her fork with a satisfied sigh, arousal sent a bolt of heat surging, making him hard with desire.

He tempted fate—and his tenuous hold on his control—and took her hand firmly in his. “I’ve enjoyed this.”

She laughed, shaking her head but not pulling her hand away. “Hearing about my favorite color and top ten movie picks? Surely you have more exciting things going on in your fast-paced life. I’ve researched you, too, you know.”

Plates were cleared to make way for dessert. He lost track of the foods they shared and tasted, well, except for the dessert. That couldn’t be forgotten.

Huckleberry sorbet and chocolate ganache.

Still holding her hand, he cut into the dessert and wanted to feed her a bite. Someday. In bed. Together. Yes.

For now, he watched her eat. She smiled deeply, eyes fluttering shut as she tasted the flavors.

A crescendo from the live Spanish guitar cut the silence between them. Natalie cleared her throat, her eyes flickering with a hint of self-consciousness. “I’ve really indulged tonight. Thank you. This dinner has been lovely, truly.” She eased her hand from his and sipped her wine. “But I can’t help wondering. Why are we out together? I didn’t mean to give you the wrong impression with that impulsive kiss. I think one look at me would make it clear I’m not a fling sort of person.”

“We’re here because I like you and I admire your tenacity.” And yes, he wanted to work his way into her bed.

A fling? Maybe. But not a one-night stand. One night wouldn’t come close to quenching the fire he felt for her. And he could swear he saw that same fire in her eyes.

“Tenacity?” She twirled the stem of the crystal glass between her slim fingers, her nails were trimmed short and glistening with clear polish. “How do you know so much about me from such a short time?”