“I don’t want you to think it’s an invitation to—”

“Shhh. I don’t.” He pressed a finger to her mouth. “Quit the overthinking. Stop with the overanalyzing. And yes, I understand. A kiss isn’t an automatic invitation to sex.”

“I know that.”

“I wanted you to understand I know that, as well.”

She nibbled her bottom lip, aware of the press of her bottom against his thighs even as she remained with her arms looped around his neck in a fit far too comfortable for her peace of mind. “We’re talking a lot, considering you said we aren’t going to discuss this.”

He rested his forehead against hers, their noses close, their breaths filling the thin space between them. “Then let’s make out.”

“Make out?” Just kiss? Maybe even heavy petting? But no sex? It sounded...appealing and frustrating all at once. She’d never expected to be single and dating at this stage in her life.

“Yeah, make out... Well, not now, exactly, since we’re soaking wet.” He plucked at her shirt lightly with a familiarity that teased without going too far. “The kids are gone for the evening. Let’s put on some dry clothes. I’ll take you out to eat...then we’ll go park somewhere.”

The plan smoked through her mind and curled in her chest with an appealing swish. Still, she couldn’t afford to be impulsive. She needed for things to be clear between them. “That sounds like a date.”

“It sure does.” Clasping her waist, he lifted her and stood in a smooth move. He set her on her feet and kissed her nose. “Wear a dress. I want to pamper you...and see your legs.”

Without another word, he sauntered out of the kitchen, his soaked jeans riding low on those narrow hips and drawing her eyes to his fine ass.

Damn. He was so arrogant and sexy...and yes, irresistible.

For the first time since high school, she was going on a date.

* * *

Max slipped out of the kitchen, knowing that if he stayed in there to make this next phone call, Natalie would protest and reject his assistance. The water-filled kitchen needed to be cleaned up, and after a quick search on his phone, he had identified a local cleaning service.

“I’m going to check on a lead really quickly, but you should head upstairs and change into something dry,” he called from the threshold, gesturing to his cell.

She nodded. “I do feel a little like a drowned rat.” Glancing around the floor, she let out an audible sigh. A weary sigh.

All the more reason to make this call.

Making the arrangements to have the kitchen dried and mopped didn’t take too much time. Natalie worked so hard—mothering her children, baking, running a B and B and designing wedding dresses—that he wanted to make just one aspect of her life easier.

While he was on the phone, he watched Natalie swish upstairs to get changed.

For their date.

Which he also needed to get ready for. He headed upstairs, phone in hand—multitasking like a pro. A lot had to be accomplished in a short amount of time.

Next on the agenda: dinner reservations at a five-star steak house.

Max shucked off his drenched clothes and ran his hands through his thick brown hair. Going on this date with Natalie had his heart pounding. He grabbed his favorite sports coat—the one he’d bought when his company made it in the industry. The tie he chose reminded him of his persistence, loyalty and dedication. All things he needed tonight.

After getting dressed, he knocked on her door. She stepped out, a radiant whirl in a silky lavender dress, her hair in loose flowing curls. A simple silver chain with a solitary pearl adorned her neck. But most beautiful of all, her chin tipped with confidence that flamed the fire inside him.

Breath caught in his chest, like warm molasses in his windpipe. All of him was warm. Because of her.

Damn. He was in a helluva lot of trouble. “Shall we?” He extended his arm, eager to have her fingers on him any way he could.

With more of that confidence, she met his gaze with sure bright eyes and slipped her hand on his arm. “We shall. Where are we going?”

A low laugh rumbled deep in his chest. “It’s a surprise.”

Brows raised, she looked at him sidelong, an easy smile tugging on her cheeks. Her smile outshone any makeup or jewelry.