Sophie lifted her glass again, and the others immediately followed. “To Emily and Tom, and to little Jeremy Ryan Knox.”

“Hear, hear,” Harper and Natalie said, and they all clinked glasses.

“Well, y’all know that Clay and I are expecting, so that’s three of us.” Sophie turned to Natalie. “So now it’s your turn. Can we toast a pregnancy for you, too? Make it four for four?”

Natalie coughed out a laugh. “Not a chance of that, I’m afraid. Colby and Lexie are keeping my hands far too full to contemplate another baby. Though there is something, and I’m really excited about it.”

“Okay, spill,” Emily said, still visibly glowing from her own news.

“Brandee Lawless asked me to design her wedding gown and the bridesmaids’ dresses. I’ve had a sneak peek at some of the details of Brandee and Shane’s wedding plans, and it’s going to be amazing. I’m so thrilled to be a part of it.”

“That’s fabulous news,” Sophie said, raising her glass for the third time. “To Natalie’s amazing designs!”

The others joined in, and then they fell into discussing the details of all three announcements over their lunch and another bottle of nonalcoholic champagne.

As Harper finished her last bite of salad, she pushed her plate aside and sat back to listen to these amazing women talk. She’d never had a wide social circle, and making new friends hadn’t felt like a priority since she’d moved to Royal a couple of years ago, but she could see that might have been an oversight. And now—when the structure of her life was changing in so many ways—would be a good time to address that, so she made herself a promise to stay in touch.

Once their plates were cleared, Emily said, “Has anyone heard anything about Maverick? He doesn’t seem to have attacked anyone lately.”

“That’s a good point,” Natalie said. “He was really active for months and months, but I haven’t heard anything since he targeted Clay.”

Harper ran her hand through her hair, wishing she could be optimistic. But harassment campaigns like this were never that simple. “I don’t know anything about Maverick, but, working as a lawyer back home, I saw a couple of similar cases and how things shaped up once the perpetrator was caught. Sometimes the pattern of the attacks is uneven because of factors outside the blackmailer’s control. Or they’re building up for a bigger attack. I hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think we should let our guard down just yet.”

Sophie scowled. “Someone needs to stop that man.”

Only last month, the anonymous blackmailer who had been targeting residents of Royal had planted a series of fake news stories online about Everest, Clay’s business. Even before Sophie and Clay had been an item, Sophie had worked at Everest as Clay’s secretary, so she’d taken Maverick’s actions personally. And a few months before that he’d sent Emily some photos to make her believe her estranged husband had another secret family. Luckily they’d worked their way through it and were stronger than ever, but there was no love lost for Maverick at their table. Or anywhere in Royal, for that matter.

“I was talking to Sheriff Battle yesterday, and he said there are some good people working on discovering Maverick’s identity,” Emily said. “As soon as they know who he is, they can arrest him.”

Sophie blew out a tightly controlled breath. “Either way, let’s hope he’s out of our lives before he can hurt anyone


“I’ll drink to that,” Emily said and took another sip from her glass.

Natalie pushed her chair back and put her handbag on her lap. “Hey, sorry to eat and run, but I have to get going.”

“No problem,” Sophie said. “You have so much on your plate right now.”

They all said their goodbyes, and once the three remaining women had settled back in their seats, Sophie reached over and laid a hand on Harper’s arm. “Honey, I’m so pleased about all your news. But—how do I say this?”

Harper gave her a reassuring smile. She’d been expecting an extra question or two after the news settled in. “Just say it. I won’t be offended.”

“For a newlywed who’s carrying her husband’s babies, you look a little...subdued. Is everything okay?”

Sophie’s eyes were kind, and Harper knew her heart was in the right place. Should she confide in her? She didn’t have anyone outside the situation to talk it through with—even her mother had been concerned on the phone about whether she’d made the right choice, so she hadn’t wanted to worry her more. Perhaps telling Sophie—heck, even saying it out loud—would help her sort through her thoughts.

Since you never knew who was listening at the clubhouse, she lowered her voice. “I’m a little worried about Nick.”

Sophie leaned in, her voice a little above a whisper. “He didn’t want to get married?”

“It was his idea. He’s totally committed to the marriage.” She took a sip of her drink, and the other two women waited. “He developed PTSD after his time in the military, and while he’s wrestling with that, he’s involved in a custody case over his little girl, Ellie, and now to have two new babies on the way and a new marriage... I just wonder if it’s all too much.” She thought of the look on his face when he’d woken from the nightmare and realized she was there. “And I have no idea how to help him.”

Emily opened her mouth as if to speak, then shut it again, her brows drawing together, and then she sucked in a breath as she leaned forward. “I hope you won’t mind me butting in since I don’t know you that well and I know nothing about PTSD, but I do know something about emotional pain and how it affects a marriage.”

Emily hesitated, waiting for encouragement, so Harper said, “You’re not butting in at all. I’d appreciate your thoughts.”

“After our little boy died, grief tore my marriage to Tom apart. And we let it. If I could have that time over, I’d do something to not let sleeping dogs lie. As I said, I don’t know much about your situation, but I’m now a big advocate for trying something. Anything.”