“I can’t, Clay.”

“You can’t or you won’t?”

“Take your choice.” She picked up her purse and headed for the door. “I’m taking the afternoon off.”

* * *

An hour later Sophie was packed and on her way back to the cottage. It felt strange when she entered the modest dwelling. It seemed more small than cozy and she felt very much alone.

She had to admit she missed being around Clay outside of the office setting. His incredible sense of humor kept her laughing in spite of the serious discussion she needed to have with him. But being here, in this house, was better. All she had to do was convince herself she was doing the right thing.

The next morning Clay lost no time in being a total pain in the butt. Even knowing the company was prospering again, he seemed angry, moody and downright offensive to everyone. His short temper wasn’t boding well with clients and certainly not with Sophie. His limp was more pronounced. Sophie couldn’t help but wonder if it had anything to do with that woman he’d been set to marry, the one who’d dropped him like a hot potato after the accident. Had she called? Had he been using Sophie to forget about that woman? The thought brought immediate pain and she forced it from her mind.

Finally she’d had enough.

“Clay, what’s going on?” she asked, standing just inside his office.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he replied without looking directly at her.

“I’m talking about the company. It’s prospering again. So what is with the attitude?”

“It’s not something I wish to discuss with you. At least not now. See if you can get Greg Johnson on the phone. He withdrew his account and I need to see if I can talk him into coming back on board.”

“Right away, sir,” she replied and turned to head back to her desk.

Was he hurting? It was something he tended to keep hidden

away inside, as if it made him less of a man if he admitted to having pain. Totally ridiculous.

The week continued to be tense. Some days Clay would call a halt to business and they both headed to the barn where the horses were saddled and waiting. This was his element. It was where he needed to be. The internal anger disappeared and Clay was at ease with the world.

It was during one of these rides that Sophie was again tempted to tell him about the baby. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it. The rare times he was obviously relaxed and happy, she couldn’t bring herself to take that away from him. Back in the office, faced with his short temper and foul disposition, she didn’t dare.

The following Monday morning, Clay stepped into the office and stopped in front of her desk, a coffee cup in his hand. “Where were you last night? I tried to call but either got a busy signal or your voice mail.”

“Then I must have been busy or on the phone.” She smiled up at him. It really wasn’t any of his business what she did in her own house on her own time. And she certainly didn’t owe him any explanation as to whom she was speaking with.

Clay stood there and glared at her for the longest time. Obviously he was trying to make up his mind whether to push it or let it go.

Decision made. “Were you or were you not at home last night?” he barked, as though he had the right to know.

“That really isn’t any of your business, Clay. But I’ll give you this one—I was at home, on the phone, talking with my mom. My father isn’t doing well. He came in from the barn yesterday and he couldn’t move his right arm. He complained of a sharp pain in his shoulder. She called for an ambulance right away. Today he will undergo a battery of tests but the general consensus is he had a heart attack. All he could talk about was the pain in his head and shortness of breath. We’re currently waiting for the results.”

“I’m sorry. Damn, I hope he is okay. I just thought maybe you were—”

“Seeing someone else?” she interrupted. “I’m not. Yet. But you’ve given me no reason to think I shouldn’t go out with someone if asked.”

“Sophie, you know I care for you.”

“Do I? Just because we had sex does not mean I’ve assumed it’s a monogamous relationship. You’ve never even hinted at such a thing.”

He released a long breath. “Sophie, you know I’m not cut out for marriage. That was proven after I had my accident.”

“How? How was it proven? By the fact that selfish woman walked out when you needed her? The fact you were injured? None of it was your fault and you’re smart enough to know it. Now, if you’re finished prying, I have work to do.”

Clay nodded his head and walked to the door. “I hope your dad is okay,” he said again. “What is his prognosis?”

Tears immediately flooded her eyes. “Not good. He needs a new heart but he is too old to be put on the list, or so says the doctor.”