Their combined efforts began paying off. The number of businesses canceling their accounts had drizzled down to nothing and amazingly new accounts were coming on board. In the last two days Clay had been advised that the sales staff had taken at least a hundred calls from corporate executives wanting more information on Everest. Pamphlets and application forms were promptly sent out.

Still, he didn’t know who was behind the vicious rumors or their reasons for spreading them.

A meeting was arranged with local business owners and CEOs to discuss the Maverick situation. Clay left Sophie and the secretaries to man the incoming calls as he headed for the Texas Cattleman’s Club. To his surprise and delight, the meeting room was full. The hushed banter stopped when Clay stepped up to the microphone.

“I want to thank you all for coming and hope you’re enjoying the refreshments provided. I know most of you have a very busy schedule, so with your permission I’ll get straight to the reason for this meeting. As most of you may know, the reason I asked you here today was because I need your help. Someone, I don’t as yet know who, has engaged in a smear campaign, online and in the local and national media, claiming Everest’s cloud computing has been compromised. They claimed security was breached and highly classified information was open for viewing. For the record, none of that is true. Not in the least.

“I don’t have a clue who’s behind this or what their motivations are. As far as I know, the only real enemies I’ve ever had walked on four feet, had horns and weighed about two thousand pounds. They don’t mess around with computers.”

A general laugh was heard across the room.

“But the name Maverick has come up in our investigations, and I know how other TCC members are putting up with harassment and blackmail from this mysterious source. I’m here to ask for your help and support and share what we’ve found out so far.”

“This has been going on for months now.” Wesley Jackson spoke up. “We have all tried to determine who is behind this. So far all we have is a little speculation.

“Many of us have been hit by blackmail threats, and attempts to ruin our personal reputations and close our businesses down,” added Toby McKittrick. Several people nodded in agreement.

“I think I can speak for most of us,” said Cecilia Morgan, “when I say we will do what we can to get behind you on this and give you whatever support you need.”

“I’ll give you the names of the detectives we have working on this and you can have your security contact them.” added Gave Walsh. “At least they will be up-to-date with this character’s goings-on.”

“We all know other CEOs across the globe that might do business with Everest,” Shane Delgado spoke up. Let us contact them and assure them Everest is solid, that you’re a good and reputable man.”

“I would be deeply grateful,” Clay responded, his heart warmed by the show of support.

“Heck,” said yet another, “we’ve all gotta stay together on this until we can determine who the culprit is and shut him down. I think it must be someone we all know or have known at some point in the past. Something we said or did must have rubbed him the wrong way and he’s out for revenge. Or he’s jealous. Or maybe he is just a nut. At any rate, we’ve got to work to support each other and we welcome you to the fold, Clay.”

As Clay glanced around the room, every head was nodding in agreement. These were good men and women, honest business owners who supported each other, as it should be. That was, after all, what being a member of the TCC was all about.

* * *

It took another few weeks but finally Clay’s business began to come back on track. Remarkably, because of the publicity efforts, outreach to clients and help from TCC members, Everest overall gained more accounts than it had lost. It was thriving.

“Do you have any plans for lunch?” Clay asked Sophie as she was preparing to leave the temporary desk where she had worked for the past few weeks.

“Well, I was going to pack,” she said. “The crisis is over and I need to move back into my own house.”

“I want you to stay here, with me.” Clay crossed the small space and removed her handbag from her hands. “As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we have plenty of room. Why do you feel the need to leave?”

“Why do you think I need to stay?” Sophie felt as though she’d been tricked. “I agreed to live here while we battled the rumors, but that’s over, thank goodness. There’s no more reason I need to be here night and day.”

“How about doing it for me? Stay because I want you to stay.”

“Clay, please. Don’t put me in this situation. It isn’t fair.”

“I thought we had something going between us. Am I wrong, Sophie?”

She would not answer that question. Yes, they had something but just what it was she didn’t know. While the sex was amazing, for her there had to be more. She needed commitment to go with the passion and most of all she needed love. There had to be love. Clay didn’t love her. She wouldn’t go as far as to think he was using her, though, because it was mutual. But she wanted a future, especially now that a little one was about to enter the picture. Clay couldn’t give her that.

“Is it right to ask me to stay while you needed my help then try laying a guilt trip on me when I need to go back to my home?”

“There is no attempt at guilt. I thought you’d want to be here with me.”

“That isn’t fair, either.”

Clay rested his hands on his hips and looked down at the floor as though in deep thought.

“Sophie, if I thought it was in me I’d be begging you to marry me. I care very deeply for you. But I’m not one to settle down with a wife and kids. I’m just like my old man. I’ve spent my life on the road, never staying in the same place more than a few days, following the rodeo circuit. Since the accident, it’s been tough, living here day in and day out. You make it tolerable. I thought you’d like to live here, too.”