“Okay. Let’s go.”

Before she could walk out the door, nausea hit her hard. Dropping her bag and purse, she ran for the nearest bathroom, slamming the door behind her. Oh, God. It was the morning sickness rearing its ugly head. Just what she didn’t want to happen in front of Clay. When the moment passed, she sat on the floor leaning against a wall. It was the third time she’d been sick. She’d read it was normal and to expect it, but she’d never considered it would hit her while here in New York. What was she going to tell him?

What did it matter?

She was still furious Clay had apparently gone out with another woman last night, and regardless of how many times she got sick, it didn’t change the fact or how she felt about it. For heaven’s sake. She was pregnant with his child.

She got to her feet and proceeded to grab a toothbrush, toothpaste and some mouthwash. She wished she had some crackers but wasn’t about to ask for any.


was a knock on the door. “Sophie? Are you okay?”

Oh, yeah, she was great. The temptation to tell him the truth was overwhelming but it was a long flight back. She didn’t want to be trapped in that plane with him. She had no realistic idea of how he would react and that was not the place to find out.

“I’m fine. Just too much excitement last evening. Being in New York and everything.”

“You don’t like New York.”

“I never said that.”

“You don’t like big cities, then. Look, can we not do this through the door?”

She dried her mouth and yanked open the door. “No problem. Ready to go?”

Clay gave her a sideways glance that clearly said his suspicion was up. Let him choke on it. She returned to the front door, picked up her laptop and swung her purse strap over her shoulder. Clay grabbed the overnight bag and tried to take the laptop but she refused. She could carry his child. She could damn sure carry her own luggage.

Following Clay to the helipad, she climbed into the chopper and minutes later they headed to the airport.

Once they were on board, the giant aircraft headed west. Sophie kicked off her shoes and sat back into the luscious, deep, rich leather seat. Her eyes felt swollen and puffy. She knew her face looked ashen. All the more reason to stay away from Clay Everett.

None of the people who had flown down with them were on board. She was curious as to why but refused to ask. Grabbing a small blanket from the drawer next to her, she covered herself, determined to sleep during the flight home. The notes from the meeting could be completed in short order, so she could do that when they arrived. Or perhaps she wouldn’t do it at all. Let him hire someone else to type up the notes. If he didn’t like it, he could fire her and she’d be on her way back to Indiana, where she should be in the first place.

She heard him behind her in the small kitchen area. It sounded like he was mixing drinks. Who would drink before noon? Then she realized with aggravation, it was noon. A five-ounce tumbler appeared in front of her face with amber liquid inside.

“Here, take it. You look like you need it.”

“No, thank you.”

“Sophie, either you take the drink with a couple of aspirins or I’m having this plane turn around and getting you to a doctor in New York. It’s light. Just enough to calm you down a bit.”

“I’m calm.”

Clay leaned over, placing his face directly in front of hers. “Take. The. Glass.”

Still glaring, she reached up and took the drink in her hand. She held the chilled glass next to her forehead but didn’t take a sip.

“Do you want some aspirin?”

“No, thank you.”

Clay was quiet for a few minutes. While she refused to look at him, she could feel his eyes on her. He shed his jacket, leaving only the white dress shirt, unbuttoned at the neck. He pulled the shirttail out of his jeans and proceeded to roll up the sleeves. She glanced his way in time to see him nod to himself as though he’d determined the problem. Good for him. He took a seat next to her, his right arm going around the seat behind her.

Sophie immediately moved to the next seat down the cabin-length sofa away from him.

“Please leave me alone.”

“I haven’t even started to bother you...yet.” She heard him blow out a sigh. “Sophie, two people came back to the suite with me last night. Scott and Loretta Bennett. Loretta needed some paperwork she’d asked me to bring on the Ludlow case. Her husband came along when she picked it up.”