Clay stole a glance at Sophie’s face. With her chin resting on her palms, she seemed totally captivated by what was happening up above. He took his time to really look at her. She was positively drop-dead gorgeous. Her features were near perfection, so delicate. Her lips were full and sensuous. Her neck long and slender. In almost slow motion she blinked, smiled and turned to him. He watched as the light blush covered her ivory skin, the smile faded but the sparkle in her bright blue eyes told him all he needed to know.

His body was running hot, his erection straining against his jeans. He pushed back the chair and stood up He took her hand and pulled her to her feet.

“Do you want to dance?” he asked.

“Really, no.”

“The fireworks are about to end. How about if we get out of here before the other cars make it impossible?”

She nodded her agreement.

Still holding her hand, he headed to the front of the building. His limo was immediately brought around. Clay helped Sophie inside then sat beside her. He said nothing. He couldn’t make small talk. He’d been in her presence far too long without taking her in his arms. Once he did, it wasn’t dancing he would be doing. He needed to be inside her. Until that happened he couldn’t retain a rational thought.

“We’re going to my house,” he told the driver.

“Why?” Sophie asked in a surprised tone.

He glanced at her. “You know why.” The long car propelled them forward like a streak in the night. It took fully five minutes to reach the destination, which was four and a half minutes too long. When they reached the ranch house, Clay exited the limo, came around and opened Sophie’s door and held his hand out for her. Interior lights had been left on in the house, which made it look even larger than it was during the day. No employee greeted them at the door.

“Where is your staff?”

“Everyone is off for the night.”

Clay turned to Sophie. Waiting another minute was too long. He pulled her to him, his lips coming down over hers. She immediately opened to him, accepting the deep kiss and inciting him further with her tongue. His hands found her zipper and rolled it down her back. He began to push the spaghetti straps from her shoulders then realized they were still in the public eye. Knowing Sophie would call a stop, he scooped her into his arms and all but raced up the stairs and into his master suite.

He set her down and made away with the dress. He slid the jacket from his shoulders then began to take off his western shirt, unfastening button by button while remaining focused on her; on what they were about to do. Next went his boots, then his jeans. Standing before him in a beam of soft moonlight, Sophie was exquisite. His hands cupped her face and his lips returned to hers. She was his. And he was not going to let her go for a very long time.

The adrenaline rush slammed his system in much the same way it did seconds before the gate was swung open letting a bull he was riding out of the chute. Clay lifted Sophie and laid her on the bed, his mouth never leaving hers. Her arms came around his neck and he heard her moan as she pushed her lower body against him. Then it was his turn to moan, which came out more of a growl.

“Are you ready for me?” he asked in between nips and kisses to her neck. “I don’t think I can hold back any longer. You make me insane, Sophie Prescott.”

She opened her legs to him and Clay didn’t hesitate. Reaching down, he pushed two fingers inside her, feeling the wet heat that almost seared his hand. With a moan she tilted her lower body upward, impaling herself on his fingers. She was damn close to cresting. He touched her most sensitive spot with his thumb and she went off like one of the fireworks at the July Fourth celebration. He worked her, making it last as long as possible. Then he gently removed his hand and positioned her to take him.

She was breathing hard and he knew she was beyond communication. He grabbed the small foil packet from his wallet and quickly put the condom on. With his hands he pushed her legs farther apart then cupped her hips in preparation for entry. He felt the tip of his erection meet the core of her body, the wet heat so hot it almost burned, and without any further delay, he pushed inside.


Sophie moaned and there was an instant of hesitation when she pushed against his shoulders. “Clay...”

“You can do this, Sophie. Try and relax, hon.”

She wanted to take him. She wanted Clay, period. She wanted to feel him filling her, stretching her tender muscles. She raised her head and kissed and licked the sweat from his chest and neck. A distant drifting memory that she’d sworn she would not do this a second time flitted across her mind. Then it was gone as the intensity of their mating began to grow yet again.

The scents of Clay, his cologne and sex swirled around her, furthering her desire, building yet again to a fevered peak. Clay lost all control, pumping inside her in a raw, animalistic manner. She responded, raising her legs, cupping his head and kissing his sweaty brow. At some point she lost her small grip on reality. The room spun and the sky exploded as together they found completion.

Clay dropped his heavy body to the side, one arm and one leg still covering her. She turned, facing away from him, and curled into his body. With one heavy arm he pulled her closer. She felt him rain kisses over the back of her head. Then she slept.

Her internal clock said it was past midnight when she woke up. Clay was still beside her, his hands playing with the strands of her hair. She smiled and turned onto her back, her hand stroking the beard stubble on his face.

He caught it in his hand and placed kisses in her palm. “Are you all right, Sophie?”

“Mmm, I’m good.” She could hear the drowsiness in her own voice. “But it’s late. I should go home.”

“There’s no transportation leaving the ranch tonight. I’m afraid you’ll just have to stay right where you are.”

“Can I borrow a car?”

He was still for a moment. “What if I said no? What if you were trapped here?” He rolled onto his side and propped his head on one hand, looking down at her. “If I beg would you stay?”