Yet here she was, six short days after her reckoning with Shane, and already she was disengaging from her ranch. Had she really given up on her dream so easily? She couldn’t imagine her father being very proud of her for doing so. And yet what choice did she have? All her capital was tied up in the land and her livestock. With the land returned to Shane, she didn’t have a place for her cows and calves. It only made sense to sell them.

When she didn’t find her phone on the nightstand, she realized why. This wasn’t her room. She’d spent the night at Chelsea’s after making a scene at the Texas Cattleman’s Club. Brandee buried her face in the pillow and groaned. She hadn’t been anywhere near drunk, but her blood had been up and she’d consumed one drink too many.

Thank goodness she’d never have to set foot in the clubhouse again. Of course, that didn’t mean she wouldn’t be running into members elsewhere. Maybe she could hide out for a month or so while she settled her business with the ranch stock and figured out what to do next.

Should she move away from Royal? The thought triggered gut-wrenching loneliness and crippling anxiety. She couldn’t leave behind so many wonderful friends. Two weeks ago, she might have considered herself self-sufficient, but after living with Shane she realized she was way needier than she’d let herself believe.

After sliding out of bed and feeling around the floor, Brandee broke down and turned on the bedside light. Her cell phone wasn’t beneath the bed

or lost among the sheets. Feeling a stir of panic, she considered all the places she might’ve left it.

A quick glance at the clock told her it was six o’clock in the morning. Too early for Chelsea to be awake, and Brandee would not borrow her friend’s computer to check on her phone’s location without permission. She could, however, use Chelsea’s landline to call her foreman.

He answered after the third ring. “Hey, boss.”

“I can’t find my phone. I’m sorry I didn’t check in sooner. Is everything okay?”

“It was a pretty crazy night, but me and the boys handled it.”

“That’s great to hear. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help you out.”

“It’s okay. Shane said you were staying the night at Chelsea’s.”

A jolt of adrenaline shot through her at Jimmy’s words. “How is it you spoke with Shane?” Annoyance flared. Was he already taking over her ranch?

“He answered your phone when I called.”

“Did he say how he’d gotten my phone?” Had she left it in the parking lot of the Texas Cattleman’s Club?

“He said you left it at your house.” Jimmy’s voice held concern. “You okay?”

For a long moment Brandee was so incensed she couldn’t speak. What the hell was Shane doing in her house? “I’m fine. I need to get my truck and then I’ll be by. Maybe an hour and a half, two hours tops.” Cooling her heels for an hour until it was reasonable to wake Chelsea was not going to improve her temper.

“No rush. As I said, we have everything under control.”

To keep herself busy, Brandee made coffee and foraged in Chelsea’s pantry for breakfast. She wasn’t accustomed to sitting still, and this brought home just how hard it was going to be to give up her ranch.

As seven o’clock rolled around, she brought a cup of coffee to Chelsea’s bedside and gently woke her friend.

“What time is it?”

“Seven.” Brandee winced at Chelsea’s groan. “I made coffee,” she said in her most beguiling voice.

“How long have you been up?”

“An hour.” She bounced a little on the springy mattress.

“And how much coffee have you had?”

She extended the coffee so the aroma could rouse Chelsea. “This is the last cup.”

“You drank an entire pot of coffee?”

“I didn’t have anything else to do. I left my phone at home and didn’t want to use your computer. I think the boys had a rough night and need me back at the ranch.”

Chelsea lifted herself into a sitting position and reached for the coffee. “Give me ten minutes to wake up and I’ll take you to your truck.”

“Thank you.” She didn’t explain about how Jimmy had spoken with Shane or the anxiety that overwhelmed her at the thought of him giving orders to her hands.