Or he mostly did. Ranching had been in his father’s blood and Shane associated Bullseye with being bullied and criticized. Every memory of his father came with an accompanying ache. He’d never be the rancher his father wanted. In some ways it had been a relief when Landon had died. There, he’d admitted it. But by admitting it, he’d lived up to his father’s poor opinion of him. He was a bad son. Guilt sharpened the pain until it felt like spikes were being driven into his head.

“I’ve never seen you like this.” Gabe leaned back in his seat as if he needed to take a better look at his friend. “You’re really upset.”

“You’re damned right,” Shane said. “She intended to cheat me out of what belongs to my family.”

“But you said the land was unclaimed...”

“And what really gets me—” Shane was a boulder rolling down a steep grade “—is the way she went about it.”

She’d made him fall in love with her. There. He’d admitted that, too. He was in love with Brandee Lawless, the liar and cheat.

Shane signaled the bartender. Maybe something strong was in order. “Give me a shot of Patrón Silver.”

She’d ruined scotch for him. He couldn’t even smell the stuff without remembering the way she’d tasted of it the first night they’d made love. Or her delight when he’d introduced her to the proper way to drink it. And his surprise when she’d poured a shot of it over him and lapped up every drop.

Shane downed the tequila shot and signaled for another.

“Are you planning on going head down on the table, too?” Gabe’s tone had a mild bite.

“Maybe.” But instead of drinking the second shot, Shane stared at it. “You gonna sit around and watch me do it, or are you going to make sure she gets home safe?”

“I’ve already taken care of Brandee.” Gabe nodded his head toward the entrance, where Chelsea had appeared. “If you feel like drowning your sorrows, I’ll stick around to drive you home.”

Shane rotated the glass and contemplated it. He’d spent the last four nights soaking his hurt feelings in alcohol and after waking up that morning with a whopping hangover had decided he was done moping. He pushed the shot away.

“No need. I’m getting out of here.”

But before he could leave, Chelsea had gotten Brandee to her feet and the two women were heading toward the door. Despite how Brandee had looked staring morosely into the bottom of her glass, she wasn’t at all unsteady on her feet.

Not wanting to risk bumping into her, Shane stayed where he was and turned his back to the departing women. He couldn’t risk her or anyone else noticing the way his hungry gaze followed her. She’d ditched her jeans and was wearing another of those gauzy, romantic numbers that blew his mind. This one was pale pink and made her look as if a strong wind could carry her all the way to Austin. Gut-kicked and frustrated that she still got to him, he reminded himself that she was strong, independent and could take care of herself.

“Look at you three sitting here all smug and self-important.” Brandee’s voice rang out and conversations hushed. “Well, congratulations, you got your way.”

Gabe caught Shane’s eye and gave him a quizzical look. “Any idea why she’s going after Cecilia, Simone and Naomi?”

With an abrupt shake of his head, Shane returned to staring at his untouched drink, but he was far less interested in it than he was the scene playing out behind him.

“I’m not going to be around to oppose you any longer. I’ve resigned from the Texas Cattleman’s Club. It’s all yours.” Brandee didn’t sound intoxicated exactly. More hysterical and overwrought than anything.

“We don’t know what you’re—” Cecelia Morgan began, only to be interrupted.

“Where do you three get off ruining other people’s lives?”

The entire room was quiet and Brandee’s voice bounced off the walls. None of the women answered and Brandee rambled on.

“You must have thought it would be great fun, but blackmail is an ugly business. And it will come back to bite you in the ass.”

At the mention of blackmail, Shane turned around in time to see Brandee push herself back from the table where she’d been looming over the three women. They were all staring at Brandee in openmouthed shock and fear.

Brandee punched the air with her finger. “Mark my words.”

As Chelsea tugged Brandee toward the exit, the trio of women erupted in nervous laughter.

“I don’t know what that was about,” Simone said, her voice pitched to carry around the room. “Obviously she’s finally snapped.”

“It was only a matter of time,” Naomi agreed, tossing her head before sipping her fruity drink.

Only Cecelia refrained from commenting. She stared after Brandee and Chelsea, her eyes narrowed and a pensive expression on her beautiful face. Moments later, however, she joined her friends in a loud replay of the clash. Around them, side conversations buzzed. News of Brandee’s behavior and her wild accusations would spread through the TCC community before morning.