Chelsea, whose back was to the drama, leaned forward. “Who is it?”

“Looks like Adam Haskell and Dusty Walsh are at it again.” The two men hated each other and tempers often raged when they occupied the same space. “I can’t quite tell what it’s about.”

“You’re nothing but an ignorant drunk.” Walsh’s raised voice had the effect of silencing all conversation around him. “You have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Well, he’s not wrong,” Chelsea muttered, not bothering to glance over her shoulder.

Brandee’s gaze flickered back to her best friend. “He needs to learn to mind his own damn business.” She remembered how when she first bought Hope Springs Ranch, Adam had stopped by to inform her that ranching wasn’t women’s work.

“You’re gonna get what’s coming to you.” Haskell’s threat rang in the awkward silence that had fallen.

“You two take it outside.” Amanda Battle stepped from behind the counter and waded into the confrontation. “I’ll not have either of you making a ruckus in my diner.”

Most people probably wouldn’t have tangled with either Haskell or Walsh on a normal day, much less when they were going at each other, but Amanda was married to Sheriff Nathan Battle and no one was crazy enough to mess with her.

“He started it,” Walsh grumbled, sounding more like a petulant five-year-old than a man in his sixties. It was hard to believe that someone like Dusty could be related to Gabe. “And I’m not done with my breakfast.”

“Looks like you’re done, Adam.” Amanda glanced pointedly at the check in his hand. “Why don’t you head on over to the register and let Karen get your bill settled.”

And just like that it was over. Brandee and Chelsea’s waitress appeared with plates of eggs, biscuits and gravy, and a waffle for them to share. She returned a second later to top off their coffee and the two women dug in.

After a while Brandee returned to their earlier conversation. “I’ve been thinking more and more about what Maverick brought to light.”

“That it’s not really fair to keep Shane from knowing that his family is the rightful owners of the land Hope Springs sits on?”

“Yes. I can’t exactly afford to walk away from ten million dollars, but I can make sure that after I’m gone the land will revert back to his family.”

Chelsea was silent for a long time. “This really sucks.”

“Yes, it does.” Brandee was starting to think that no matter what she did, her time with Shane was drawing to a close. “Whoever Maverick is, the person has a twisted, cruel personality.”

“Still think it’s one or all of the terrible trio?”

“I can’t imagine who else.” Brandee hadn’t given up on her suspicions about Cecelia, Simone and Naomi. “Although it seems a little extreme even for them.”

“But you’ve really been a burr in their blankets and I could see them siding with Shane.”

“And considering what Maverick wants...”


“Fifty grand isn’t all that much. I think Maverick asked for money more to disguise the real purpose of the blackmail, which was getting me out of the Texas Cattleman’s Club.” Something she could see the terrible trio plotting to do. “Regardless of what I do or don’t know, the fact is that I can’t afford for Shane to find out the truth.”

“But if you don’t win the wager, what are you going to do?”

“As much as I hate the idea, I think I’m going to do as Maverick demands.”

“So, what does that mean for you and Shane?”

“I think from the beginning we were both pretty sure this thing was going to end up in a stalemate.”

“So neither of you is going to admit that you’ve fallen for the other.”


“And yet I’m pretty sure you’ve fallen for him.”

“I can’t let myself go there, Chels.” Brandee rubbed her burning eyes and let her pent-up breath go in a ragged exhale. “There’s too much at stake.”