She was tempted to tell him everything was done, but then she remembered the lasagna pans and grinned. “You can finish the dishes.” She flung a drying towel over his shoulder and pointed at the sink. “I always leave the worst for last and now they’re all yours.”

As she went to join the others, her last glimpse of Shane was of him rolling up his sleeves and approaching the sink as if it contained a live cobra. She doubted the man had ever done a dish in his life and reminded herself to double-check the pans later to make sure they were clean to her standards.

Banishing Shane from her thoughts, Brandee circled the room to check on everyone’s progress. To her surprise, Megan had paired Nikki with the hyper Lab mix. Nikki had seemed so disinterested the previous month, but with the puppy, she was completely focused and engaged. Already the teenager had the puppy sitting and lying down on command.

Brandee sidled up to Megan. “After how she was last month, what made you think to put Nikki and the Lab mix together?”

Megan grinned. “She and her mom have come by the shelter a couple times to help with the dogs and she has a real knack with them. I think last month she was bored with Mellie. This puppy is smart, but challenging. You can see how well it’s going.”

Next, Brandee turned her attention toward Justin Barnes. He’d isolated himself in a corner and was spending more time petting the dog than training her. It had been like this last month, too. The high school sophomore was disengaged from what was going on around him. She glanced in Gabe’s direction, thinking he might be able to engage Justin, but Gabe was helping Jenny Prichard work with an adorable but very confused shih tzu/poodle mix.

Shane’s voice came from right behind her. “Who’s the kid over there?”

“Justin. He’s the one I told you about whose dad wants him to play football rather than the guitar.”

“Sounds like he and I might have a few things in common.”

Brandee wasn’t sure what Shane could say that might help Justin, but she’d asked for Shane to come today. It seemed wrong not to give him a chance to pitch in. “Maybe you could talk to him about it?”

“It’s been a long time since I was a teenager, but I can give it a try.”

“Thanks.” Any animosity Brandee might have felt for his tardiness vanished. “I’ll finish up the pans.”

“No need. They’re done.”


“Just needed a little elbow grease.” He arched an eyebrow at her. “It’s not good for my ego that you look so surprised.”

“I’m sure your ego is just fine.” It was familiar banter between them, yet for one disconcerting moment, Brandee craved a more substantive connection. She dismissed the feeling immediately. What was she thinking? That she was interested in a relationship with Shane Delgado? Her stomach twisted at the thought, but the sensation wasn’t unpleasant. Just troubling.

“You’re right.” He smirked at her. “It’s great being me.”

She watched him walk away and laughed at her foolishness. Even if she’d never made the bet with Shane, falling in love with him would be a disaster. They were too much alike in all the bad ways and complete opposites in the good ones. Nope, better to just keep things casual and breezy between them. Fabulous, flirty, sexy fun. That was all either of them wanted and all she could handle.

* * *

As he ambled toward Justin, Shane passed Gabe and raised his hand in greeting. Gabe acknowledged him with a broad grin and Shane wondered if he saw a touch of relief in his friend’s eyes. No doubt Gabe appreciated that he was no longer the only guy.

Snagging a spare chair, Shane carried it to Justin’s corner and set it down beside the kid, facing the dog.

“Hey,” he said as he dropped a hand on the dog’s caramel-colored head. “How’s it going?”

“Fine.” Justin mumbled the word and punched down on the clicker. The dog’s ears lifted and he focused his full attention on the treat in Justin’s hand.

“What’s his name?” Shane indicated the dog.

“Her name is Ruby.”

“Hey, Ruby.” He fussed over the dog for a bit and then slouched back in his chair. “I’m Shane.”


With niceties exchanged, the two guys settled down to stare at the dog, who looked from one to the other as if wondering where her next treat was coming from.

After a bit, Shane ventured into the silence. “What are you supposed to be doing?”

“Clicker training.”