He should’ve been relieved that the fancy dinner and beautifully set dining table hadn’t been Brandee’s idea. It meant that she hadn’t set out to prey on his libido. But that didn’t mean the danger had passed.

“Or we’re just cynical about love.” She gazed at him from beneath her long eyelashes.

Shane finished opening the bottle and set it aside to breathe. He worked the cork off the corkscrew, letting the task absorb his full attention. “Do you ever wonder if you’re built for a long-term relationship?” He recognized it was a strange question to ask a woman, but he suspected Brandee wouldn’t be insulted.

“All the time.” She moved past him as the timer on the stove sounded. Apparently this was her signal to remove the beef Wellington from the oven. “I don’t make my personal life a priority. Chelsea’s on me all the time about it.”

“My mom gives me the same sort of lectures. I think she wants grandchildren.” And he was getting to an age where he needed to decide kids or no kids. At thirty-five he wasn’t over the hill by any means, but he didn’t want to be in his forties and starting a family.

“I imagine she’s feeling pretty hopeless about the possibility.”

“Because I haven’t met anyone that makes me want to settle down?”

Brandee shook her head. “I can’t imagine any woman being more important to you than your freedom.”

And she was right. His bachelor status suited him. Having fun. Keeping things casual. Bolting at the first sign of commitment. He liked keeping his options open. And what was wrong with that?

“And what about you, Miss Independent? Are you trying to tell me you’re any more eager to share your life with someone? You use your commitment to this ranch and your teen camp to keep everyone at bay. What are you afraid of?”

“Who says I’m afraid?”

Bold words, but he’d seen the shadows that lingered in her eyes when she talked about her mother’s abandonment. She might deny it, but there was no question in Shane’s mind that Brandee’s psyche had taken a hit.

“It’s none of my business. Forget I said anything.” Shane sensed that if he pursued the issue he would only end up annoying her and that was not how he wanted the evening to go.

“Why don’t you pour the wine while I get food on the plates.” From her tone, she was obviously content to drop the topic.

Ten minutes later they sat down to the meal May had prepared. Shane kept the conversation fixed on the progress she was making at her teen camp. It was a subject near and dear to her heart, and helping her with the project was sure to endear him to her. Was it manipulative? Sure. But he wanted to buy her property. That’s why he’d accepted the bet and moved in.

Shane ignored a tug at his conscience and reminded himself that Brandee was working just as hard as he was to make him fall for her. He grinned. She just didn’t realize that she’d lost before she even started.


p; “This weekend I’m hosting a teen experience with some of the high school kids,” Brandee said. “Megan Maguire from Royal Safe Haven is bringing several of her rescue dogs to the ranch for the teens to work with. Chelsea is coming to help out. I could use a couple more adult volunteers.” She regarded him pointedly.

The last thing he wanted to do was spend a day chaperoning a bunch of hormonally charged kids, but he had a wager to win and since he’d dropped the ball for Valentine’s Day, he could probably pick up some bonus points by helping her out with this.

“Sure, why not.” It wasn’t the most enthusiastic response, but he hoped she’d be pleased he’d agreed so readily.

“And maybe you could see if Gabe is interested, as well?”

If it made Brandee go all lovey-dovey for him, Shane would do as much arm-twisting as it took to get his best friend on board. “I’ll check with him. I’m sure it won’t be a problem.”

After putting away the leftovers and settling the dirty dishes in the dishwasher, Brandee suggested they move out to the patio to enjoy an after-dinner scotch. This time, instead of taking the sofa opposite him, she settled onto the cushion right beside him and tucked her feet beneath her.

While the fire crackled and flickered, Shane sipped his drink and, warmed by alcohol, flame and desire, listened while Brandee told him about the struggling calf they’d saved and reunited with her mother today. He told himself that when Brandee leaned into him as she shared her tale she was only acting. Still, it was all Shane could do to keep from pulling her onto his lap and stealing a kiss or two.

“You know, it is Valentine’s Day,” she murmured, tilting her head to an adorable angle and regarding him from beneath her long lashes.

With her gaze fixed on his lips, Shane quelled the impulses turning his insides into raw need. She was playing him. He knew it and she knew he knew it. For the moment he was willing to concede she had the upper hand. What man presented with an enticing package of sweet and spicy femininity would be capable of resisting?

“Yes, it is,” he replied, not daring to sip from the tumbler of scotch lest she see the slight tremble in his hand.

“A day devoted to lovers.”

Shane decided to follow her lead and see where it took him. “And romance.”

“I think both of us know what’s inevitable.”