At long last, she’d gone light-years past the point of readiness and gathered handfuls of his hair. “I can’t wait any longer to have you inside me.”

“Are you asking or commanding?” He sucked hard on her neck and she quaked.

“I’m begging.” She reached down and found him. Her firm grip wrenched a satisfying moan from his lips. “Please, Nic.”

His hands spanned her hips and in one swift thrust he answered her plea. She flexed her spine and accepted his full length while he devoured her impassioned groan. Before she could grow accustomed to the feel of him filling her, Nic rolled them over until she sat astride his hips.

This new position offered a different set of sensations and freed his hands to cruise across her torso at will. She took charge of their lovemaking and began to move. Whispering words of encouragement, he cupped her breasts, kneading and rolling her hard nipples between his fingers to intensify her pleasure.

When she came, it was hard and fast. If she could have lingered in the moment forever, she would have known perfect happiness, but such profound ecstasy wasn’t meant to last. And there was a different sort of joy in the lazy aftermath of being so thoroughly loved. As Nic nuzzled his face in the place where her neck met her shoulder, Brooke savored the synchronized beat of their hearts and knew no matter where her body existed, her soul would stay with Nic where it belonged.

* * *

Morning brought rain and the distant rumble of thunder. Nic woke to the soft, fragrant sweetness of Brooke’s naked body curved against his and held his breath to keep from disturbing the magic of the moment. Last night had been incredible. And it had been goodbye. He’d tasted it in the desperation of her kisses and felt it in the wildness of his need for her.

“What time is it?” she asked, her voice a contented purr.

“A little before seven.”

“Oh.” She practically sprang out of bed and began to hunt around for her clothes. “I have to go.”

Nic sat up, automatically admiring the fluid movement of her nude form as she dressed. “Where are you going?”

“Home. My flight leaves in two hours.”

Shock held him motionless and she’d almost reached the door before he caught up with her. If he hadn’t barged into her room and spent the night would he have even known she was gone?

“And if I ask you to stay?” He thought he was ready to set her free, but now that the moment had arrived, he was incapable of saying goodbye.

“Don’t you mean command?” Her smile was both wicked and sad.

Despite his solemn mood, Nic’s lips twitched. “You aren’t Sherdanian. I have no way to make you behave.”

“And throwing me in the dungeon would create an international scandal that would upset your mother.”

“Is that why you’re running away? Because you think either I or my family would be bothered by some adverse publicity?”

Her body stiffened. “I’m not running away. I’m returning to California where I live. Just like you are staying in Sherdana where you belong. Besides, the longer I stay the more I risk becoming fodder for the tabloids and that wouldn’t do your marriage hunt any favors.”

“No. I suppose it wouldn’t. But I still don’t want you to go.”

“And yet I must.”

“You’re breaking my heart,” he said, carrying her hand to his lips and placing her palm against his bare chest.

“I’m breaking your heart?” She tugged her hand from beneath his, but his free arm snaked around her, and pulled her resistant body against him. “Do you have any idea how unfair you’re being right now?”

He knew and didn’t care. Nic tightened his hold, letting his heat seep into her until there was no more resistance. And then he kissed her, long and slow and deep, while in the back of his mind he acknowledged that this would be their final goodbye. By the time he broke away they were both gasping for breath.

Brooke spoke first. “You were right.”

“About?” He nuzzled her cheek, feathering provocative kisses along her skin. His teeth grazed her earlobe, making her shudder.

“Starting something that had no future.” Her pain and grief tore at him.

“I didn’t want there to be regrets between us.”

“I don’t regret it.”