.” The gold bracelets on her slender wrists chimed. “My brothers are very hard for the opposite sex to resist. Thank goodness Gabriel and Nic are honorable and not ones to take advantage. Christian is like a child in a toy store wanting everything he sees.”

And getting it, too, Brooke guessed. “Please don’t tell anyone about Nic and me. It’s over and I wouldn’t want to cause any needless problems.”

Ariana nodded. “That dress is amazing on you.”

The empire bodice cupped her breasts, the fabric ending in a narrow band of a darker green ribbon. From there, the layers of chiffon material flowed over her hips, the hem ending just above her knee. Brooke stared at herself in the mirror as Ariana guided her feet into strappy black sandals.

“It brings out the green in your eyes.”

“I feel like a princess.” Brooke laughed. “I guess I should because it’s a dress fit for a princess. You.”

Next, Ariana urged Brooke into a hot-pink sheath with a V-shaped neckline and bands of fabric that crisscrossed diagonally to create an interesting and figure-slimming pattern. It had a sophisticated, elegant vibe that Brooke wasn’t sure she could pull off.

“I understand you are having breakfast with my mother tomorrow. This will be perfect, and I think you should pair it with these.”

Ariana grabbed a box and pulled out a pair of white suede and black velvet lace ankle boots that were amazing, Brooke waved her hands in protest. “I can’t. Those are just too much.”

“You must wear them or the outfit will not be complete.”

At Ariana’s relentless urging, Brooke slipped her feet into the boots and faced the mirror, accepting immediately that she’d lost the battle. “I never imagined I could look like this.”

Ariana’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “Why not? You are very beautiful.”

“But not refined and effortless like you and Olivia.”

With a very unladylike snort, Ariana rolled her eyes. “This is just how I appear here in the palace. When I go to Ithaca, I assure you, I’m so different you’d never recognize me.”

“Do you spend a lot of time on the island?”

“Not as much as I’d like. It’s an escape. I go to paint. To forget about the responsibilities of being a princess.”

“I imagine there’s a lot that keeps you busy.”

“It’s less now that Olivia is here.” Ariana selected five more dresses and put them into Olivia’s wardrobe with three more pairs of shoes. “That will do for now, but you will need a long dress for a party we must attend the day after tomorrow. It’s the prime minister’s birthday.”

“Are you sure I will be going?”

“Absolutely. The event is always deadly dull and having you along will make the whole thing bearable.”

While the maids returned the rest of the dresses to the garment bags, Ariana squeezed Brooke’s shoulder. “I am sorry you and Nic cannot see where things might lead between you. I think you would make him very happy.”

“Actually, I drive him crazy.”

“Good. He has always been too serious. He needs a little crazy in his life.” And with that, Ariana said good-night and left Brooke to her thoughts.

* * *

The corridors of the visitors’ wing were quiet as Nic made his way back to his temporary quarters. The tranquillity would vanish over the next few days as guests began to arrive for the week of festivities leading up to the royal wedding. The conversation he’d had with his parents after dinner had highlighted their expectations for him. The women in the dossiers had been invited to the palace. He was to get to know each of them and make his selection.

As he’d listened to his mother, Nic realized he’d been in America too long. Although he’d grown up in a world where marriages sometimes were arranged, he’d grown accustomed to the notion of dating freely without any expectation that it might end in marriage.

He’d almost reached his suite when the door to the room beside his opened and two maids emerged carrying garment bags. Their appearance could only mean he had company next door. It hadn’t occurred to Nic that Brooke had been placed on this floor, much less in the room beside his, and his suspicion was confirmed when his sister came out of the room a few seconds later.

“Nic!” She raced across the few feet that separated them and threw herself into his arms. “How good that you’re home.”

She smelled of the light floral perfume he’d sent her the previous Christmas. He’d asked Brooke to help him pick out the perfume because he’d sensed the two women were a lot alike. Seeing his sister’s good mood upon leaving Brooke, he knew he’d been right.

“I’m happy to be here.”