“They’re just people.”

“Important people.” Wealthy, sophisticated, intelligent people. “Normally I wouldn’t get uns

ettled by this sort of thing, but this is your family and I want them to like me.”

“I assure you they do.”

“Sure.” Brooke resisted the urge to roll her eyes. His mother had been observing her through most of the meal, making each swallow of the delicious salmon more trial than pleasure. Brooke sensed that the queen had a long list of questions she wanted to ask, starting with: When are you going home? Not that Brooke blamed her. Nic’s mother had plans for her son. Plans that she must perceive as being threatened by an uncouth redhead who regarded Nic with adoring eyes.

Despite the fact that the meal was a relaxed family affair and not the formal ordeal Brooke had feared, by the time the dessert course concluded, she was more than ready to escape. She was relieved, therefore, when Gabriel and Olivia offered her a quick tour of the public areas of the palace before escorting her back to her room.

Strolling the hall of portraits, Brooke realized the extent of Sherdana’s history. Some of the paintings dated back to the late-fifteenth century. Thanks to all those years when she’d accompanied her mother to Italy and helped her research the Italian Renaissance period, Brooke had developed a love of history that partially explained why she’d chosen the same time period for her second doctorate.

“I imagine you have a library with books on Sherdana’s history,” she said to Gabriel as he and Olivia led the way to the ballroom.

“An extensive one. We’ll make that our next stop.”

A half an hour later the trio arrived at Brooke’s door. She was feeling a touch giddy at the idea that she could return to the library the next day and check out the collection more thoroughly. The vast amount of books contained in the two-story room was an academic’s dream come true. She could probably spend an entire year in Sherdana’s palace library and never need to leave.

“Thank you for the tour.”

“You are very welcome,” Olivia said. “If you need anything else tonight, let one of the maids know. There is always someone on call.”

Brooke bid the prince and princess good-night and entered her room. As she did, she noticed the store of crackers she’d nibbled on prior to dinner had been replenished. With a grateful sigh, Brooke grabbed a handful and went to the wardrobe. As the maid had promised earlier, her clothes had been laundered and returned. Brooke grinned as she slipped off her borrowed shoes, guessing the staff wasn’t accustomed to washing ragged denim shorts and cotton peasant blouses. Regardless, they’d done a marvelous job. Her clothes looked brand-new.

A knock sounded on her door. Brooke’s pulse kicked up. Could Nic have come by to wish her good-night? But it wasn’t her handsome prince in the hall. Instead, her visitor was a beautiful, tall girl with long chocolate-brown hair and a welcoming smile.

“I’m Ariana.” Behind Nic’s sister were two maids loaded down with six shoe boxes and four overstuffed garment bags.

“Brooke Davis.”

“I know that.” Ariana laughed. “Even if the palace wasn’t buzzing about the girl Nic brought home, I would have recognized you from the pictures Glen emailed me from time to time. He’s very proud of you.”

“You and Glen email?” Earlier Brooke had learned that Nic’s sister had met Glen in Greece, but an ongoing correspondence was something else entirely. “I thought you’d just met the one time.”

“Yeees.” She drew the word out. “But it was quite a meeting.”

Brooke didn’t know what to make of the other girl’s innuendo and made a note to question Glen about Nic’s sister.

“Olivia told me her shoes were too big for you, so I brought you a few pairs of mine,” Ariana said, indicating the maids behind her. “They should fit you better—and I included some dresses, as well. That’s one of Olivia’s, isn’t it?”

Brooke couldn’t figure out what about the gold lace could possibly have caused Ariana to wrinkle her nose. “Nothing I brought with me is suitable for palace wear. I had no plans to come here with Nic.”

For a moment Ariana’s eyes narrowed in the same sharp expression of assessment her mother had aimed at Brooke all evening. At last the princess smiled. “Well, I’m glad you did.”

“So am I.” And for the first time in eight hours, Brooke meant it. “I’ve really been looking forward to meeting you. I thought your artwork at the villa was amazing.”

“Then you’d be the first.” With a self-deprecating hair flip, Ariana slipped her arm through Brooke’s and drew her into the bedroom.

“What do you mean?” Brooke let herself be led. From the way Nic had talked about his sister and from studying Ariana’s art, Brooke felt as if she and the younger woman might be kindred spirits. “Your use of color gave the paintings such energy and depth.”

Ariana’s eyebrows drew together. “You’re serious.” She sounded surprised and more than a little hopeful.

“Very.” Brooke didn’t understand the princess’s reaction. “I did my undergrad work in visual and critical studies.”

“My family doesn’t understand what I paint. They see it all as random splashes of color on canvas.”

“I’m sure it’s just that they are accustomed to a more traditional style of painting. Have you ever had your work exhibited anywhere?”