“Sooo,” she dragged the word out, “you’re never coming back to California?”


“If this is about the rocket...”

“It’s not.”

“I don’t understand what’s going on with you.” She looked more than puzzled. She looked worried. “It’s not like you to give up.”

Nic knew she deserved a full explanation, but once she found out he’d been keeping a huge secret from her all these years she was going to be furious. “There’s a little something about me you don’t know.”

“Oh, I think there’s more than a little something.”

He ignored her sarcasm. “It’s complicated.”

“It’s okay. As you pointed out earlier, I have two doctorates. I can understand complicated.”

“Very well. I’m not an ordinary scientist.” He lowered his voice, wishing he’d had this conversation with her at the villa. “I’m Prince Nicolas Alessandro, second in line to the throne of Sherdana.”

“A prince? Like a real prince?” Her misty-green eyes blurred and she shook her head as if to rid her brain of his admission. “I don’t get it. You sound as American as I do.”

“I went to college in Boston. In order to fit in, I eliminated my accent.” Nic leaned forward, glad that there was a table between them. He longed to pull her into his arms and kiss away her unhappiness. That was something he could never again do. “My country is Sherdana. It’s a small kingdom tucked between France and Italy.”

“How small?”

“A little less than two thousand square kilometers with a population of just over four hundred thousand. We’re mostly known for our—”

“Wines.” She slapped her palm on the table. His beer rattled against the hard surface. “Now I remember why the name is so familiar. Glen had bottles of Sherdanian wine at one of his recent parties.”

Nic remembered that evening without pleasure. “It was his way of sending me a message. He wanted me to tell you the truth.”

She stared at Nic with dawning horror. “You jerk. I’ve known you for five years. And you’ve kept this huge thing from me the whole time? What did you think I was going to do with the information? Sell you out to the press? Torment you with Disney references? Well, that I would have done, but you’re a prince—you could have handled that.”

Nic waited for her rant to wind down, but she was on a roll and wasn’t going to be stopped until she had her say.

“I thought we were friends.” Below the irritation in her voice, she sounded as if her heart was breaking. “Why didn’t you tell me any of this?”

“I’ve concealed my identity for a lot of years. It’s a hard habit to break.”

“Concealed it from strangers, coworkers, acquaintances.” The breath she needed to take wasn’t available. “How long has my brother known? Probably since you met. You two are as close as brothers.” She shut her eyes. “Imagine how I feel, Nic. You’ve been lying to me as long as I?

??ve known you.”

“Glen said—”

“Glen?” She pinned him with a look of such fury that a lesser man would have thrown himself at her feet to grovel for forgiveness. “My brother did not tell you to lie to me.”

No. Nic had decided to do that all on his own. “He told me you’d never leave it alone if you knew.”

“Are you kidding me?” Her eyes widened in dismay. “You were worried that I’d come on even stronger if I knew you were a prince? Is that how low your opinion is of me?”

“No. That’s not what I meant—”

“I came here looking for scientist Nic,” she reminded him. “That’s the man I thought I knew. Who I’ve—”

“Brooke, stop.” Nic badly needed to cut off her declaration.

“—fallen in love with.”