Ariana obviously hadn’t considered this. Even though the constitution wouldn’t allow her to rule as queen, she was still a direct descendant of the ruling king and that meant her son could one day succeed.

“Okay, I see your point, but I think it’s terrible that you and Brooke can’t be together.”

“So do I.”

Nic watched as his sister retreated down the corridor. For several heartbeats he stood with his hand on the doorknob to his room, willing himself to open the door and step inside, while Ariana’s words rang in his head. Brooke was getting ready for bed. They were isolated in this wing of the palace. He could spend the night with her and sneak out before anyone discovered them. But how many times could he tell himself this was their last time together? Just that morning he’d been on the verge of saying goodbye.

He pushed open the door to his room, but didn’t step across the threshold. He’d invited Brooke to Sherdana; it would only be polite to stop by and find out how her day had gone. If he stood in the hall, they could have a quick conversation without fear that either of them would be overcome with passion. That decided, Nic strode over and rapped on Brooke’s door. If he’d expected her to answer his summons looking disheveled and adorable in her pajamas, he was doomed to disappointment.

The stylish creature that stood before him was nothing like the Brooke he’d grown accustomed to. Even the dress she’d worn at dinner tonight, as beautiful as she’d looked in it, hadn’t stretched his perception of her as much as this strapless pale pink ball gown that turned her into a Disney princess.

Obviously enjoying herself, Brooke twirled twice and then paused for his opinion. “What do you think?”

“That’s quite a dress.”

She laughed, a bright silvery sound he hadn’t heard since before the day he’d put an end to their fledgling romance. His heart lifted at her joy.

“I never imagined dressing like a princess would be so much fun.”

His gut clenched at her words. She didn’t mean them the way they’d sounded. The last thing she’d ever do was pick on him for rejecting her as unsuitable. Brooke wasn’t the sort to play games or come at a problem sideways. It was one of the things he appreciated about her.

But that didn’t stop regret from choking him.

“You look incredibly beautiful.”

She shot him a flirtatious grin. “Aw, you’re just saying that because it’s true. Ariana brought the dress. I simply had to try it on since I’ll never get the chance to wear it in public.”

“Why not?”

“We both know the answer to that.”

She drew him into the room and closed the door. Her actions had a dangerous effect on Nic’s libido. He really hadn’t come to her suite to make love to her, but it wouldn’t take more than another one of her delicious smiles for him to snatch her into his arms and carry her to the bed.

“I don’t think I follow you,” Nic said, crossing his arms over his chest, his gaze tracking her every move as she enjoyed her reflection. He caught himself smiling as she shifted from side to side to make the skirt swish.

“Your mother and I are having breakfast tomorrow. I’m certain she’s going to politely but firmly give me the heave-ho.”

“She’d never be that rude.”

“Of course not. But she can’t be happy that her son brought home some inappropriate girl when he’s supposed to be focused on selecting a bride.”

“You’re not inappropriate.”

“I am where your future is concerned.” Brooke reached for the dress’s side zipper and gave Nic a stern look. “Turn around. I need to get out of this dress.”

Blood pounded in his ears. “You are aware that I’ve seen you naked many, many times.”

“That was before I was staying beneath your parents’ roof. I think it would be rude of us to take advantage of their hospitality by getting swept up in a passionate moment. Don’t you?” She set her hands on her hips. “So, turn around.”

“My not watching you strip out of your clothes isn’t going to prevent us from getting swept up in a passionate moment. I have memorized every inch of your gorgeous body.”

“Turn around.” Although her color was high, her firm tone deterred further argument.

At last Nic did as she’d asked. For several minutes the only sound in the room was the slide and crinkle of fabric as she undressed and the harsh rasp of his breath. He berated himself for acquiescing. If she was going to return to California in a few days, they were fools not to steal every moment they could to be together.

Bursting with conviction, Nic started to turn back around. “Brooke, we should...” He didn’t finish because she gave him a sharp shove toward the door.

“No we shouldn’t.”