Gabriel laughed. “All eyes will be on you.”

Nic marveled at the change in his earnest brother. Although young Gabriel had been as full of curiosity and mischief as Nic and Christian, somewhere around his tenth birthday it had hit him that the leadership of the country would one day be his. Almost overnight, while his inquisitive nature had remained, he’d become overly serious and all too responsible.

“You’re different,” Nic observed. “I don’t remember the last time you were this...”

“Happy?” Gabriel’s eyes glinted. “It’s called wedded bliss. You should try it.”

A woman had done this to Gabriel? “I’m looking forward to meeting your wife.”

“And speaking of fair women, what happened to your Brooke?”

“She’s not my Brooke.” Nic heard gravel in his voice and moderated his tone. “And she’s staying in the plane until it’s taxied into the hangar.”

“Your idea or hers?”

“Hers. She was concerned that she wasn’t dressed properly and wanted to maintain a low profile.”

Gabriel’s eyes widened in feigned shock. “What was she wearing that she was so unpresentable?”

“I don’t know. Some sort of cotton dress. She thought she looked like someone’s poor relation.”

“Did she?”

Nic thought she looked carefree and sexy. “Not at all, but what do I know about women’s fashion?”

The two men fell to talking about recent events including the incident where the vengeful aunt of Gabriel’s twin daughters had infiltrated the palace intending to stop him from marrying Olivia.

“And you have no idea where she’s gone?” Nic quizzed, amazed how much chaos one woman had created.

“Interpol has interviewed her former employer and visited her flat in Milan, but for now she’s on the run.”

As the car entered the palace grounds, Nic’s mind circled back to the woman he’d left at the airport. “Have you told anyone besides Stewart that I brought Brooke with me?”

“Olivia and her secretary, Libby, know. They are prepared to take charge of her as soon as she arrives.”

“Thank you.” Nic was relieved that Brooke would be taken care of.

“Oh, and Mother is expecting you in the blue drawing room for tea. She has an hour blocked out for you to view the first round of potential wives. Stewart interviewed several secretary candidates for you. Their résumés will be waiting in your room. Look them over and let Stewart know which you’d like to meet.”

“A secretary?”

“Now that you’re back, we’ve packed your agenda with meetings and appearances. You’ll need someone to keep you on schedule.”

Nic’s head spun. “Damn,” he muttered. “It feels as if I never left.”

Gabriel clapped him on the shoulder. “It’s good to have you back.”

* * *

From the backseat of a luxurious Mercedes, Brooke clutched her worn travel bag and watched the town of Carone slip past. In the many years she’d known Nic, which she’d spent alternately being ignored and rejected, she’d never once been as angry with him as she was at this moment.

What had he been thinking to bring her to Sherdana? She didn’t belong here. She didn’t fit into his world the way he’d fit into hers. No doctorate degrees could prepare her for the pitfalls of palace life. She’d be dining with his family. What fork did she use? She would stand out as the uncouth American accustomed to eating burgers and fries with her fingers. Brooke frowned as she considered how many of her favorite foods didn’t require a knife and fork. Pizza. Tacos. Pulled pork sandwiches.

And what if she couldn’t get a flight out in the next day or two? As Nic’s guest, would she be expected to attend any of the parties his mother had arranged? Were they the sort of parties where people danced? Nic had already shown her a dance specific to the country. They’d laughed over her inability to master the simplest of steps. She’d never imagined a time when she’d be expected to perform them.

And the biggest worry of all: What if someone discovered she was pregnant? Now that morning sickness was hitting her hard, what excuse could she make to explain away the nausea?

Brooke gawked like any tourist as the car swung through a gate and the palace appeared. Nic had grown up here. The chasm between them widened even further. It was one thing to rationalize that her brother’s business partner was in reality the prince of a small European country. It was another to see for herself.