“Your point?”

“Aside from the fact that we’re trying to maintain a low profile on our whole relationship thing, I’m dressed like someone’s poor relation. The press is bound to be curious about me. Please can I stay on the plane after you get off until the coast is clear?”

He looked ready to protest, but shook his head and sighed. “If you wish. I’ll arrange for someone to meet you at the hangar. That way there won’t be any press asking questions you don’t want to answer.”

It hit Brooke what some of those questions might be and her brain grew sluggish. She’d spent most of her life with her nose buried in books. Glen was the sibling who relished the spotlight. He didn’t freeze up in front of large crowds, but put people at ease with his charismatic charm and dazzled them with his intelligence. Numerous times she’d stood back during press events and marveled at his confidence. Not even the difficult questions fired at him after the rocket blew up had rattled him. He’d demonstrated the perfect blend of sadness and determination.

“As for clothes,” Nic continued, “I’m sure either my sister, Ariana, or Olivia, Gabriel’s wife, will be able to lend you some things.”

Brooke would be borrowing clothes from princesses. This wasn’t an ordinary family he was taking her home to meet. His mother was a queen. His father was a king. Nic was a prince. What the hell was she doing? She clutched at the armrests, suddenly unable to breathe.

The whirr and clunk of landing gear being locked into place startled her. They were minutes from landing. Nothing about this trip was working out the way she’d planned. She’d stepped onto the plane in San Francisco thinking she would fly to Greece, tell him about the baby and bring Nic back with her so they could be one big happy family.

The full impact of her foolishness now hit her like a mace. Even if Nic were madly in love with her, he couldn’t offer her anything permanent. In fact, he was so far out of her league that they could be living on separate planets.

“I need to know details about your family so I’m prepared,” she blurted out, her stomach flipping as the plane lost altitude.

“Sure. Where would you like to start?”

So many questions whirled in her mind that it took her a moment to prioritize them. “Your parents. H

ow do I address them?”


Nic emerged from the plane and hesitated before descending the stairs to the tarmac. In a tight knot, thirty feet away, a dozen reporters held up cameras and microphones all focused on him. He approached the assembled crowd—the prodigal son returning to the bosom of his family—and answered several questions before heading toward the black Mercedes that awaited him.

Although he’d known it was the sensible thing to do, separating from Brooke even for a short period of time didn’t feel right. It wasn’t as if he expected her to run off and hop a plane back to California. Enough security surrounded the royal aircraft hangar that she wouldn’t get five feet from the plane before she was stopped and questioned.

No, it was more the sense that by traveling separately to the palace, he was acknowledging that there was something to hide. And yet, wasn’t there? During the car ride to the airport when she’d asked him why he wanted her to come home with him, he’d told her the truth. He wasn’t ready to let her go. The answer had distressed her.

Last night she’d accused him of always demanding things be his way. Now, once again he was acting selfishly.

Nic passed the crowd of reporters without another glance. A familiar figure stood beside the car’s rear door. Stewart Barnes, Gabriel’s private secretary, offered a smile and a nod as Nic approached.

“Good afternoon, Your Highness. I hope you had a good flight from Greece.” The secretary’s keen blue eyes darted toward the plane. “Prince Gabriel mentioned you were bringing someone with you. Did she change her mind?”

“No. She’s just a little skittish about public appearances. Could you arrange a car to pick her up at the hangar?”

If Stewart was surprised that Nic was sneaking a girl into the country, his expression didn’t show it. “Of course.” He bowed and opened the car door.

Because the car windows were tinted, Nic had no idea anyone besides the driver was in the vehicle. Therefore, when he spotted Gabriel sitting in the backseat and grinning at him, Nic was overcome by an unexpected rush of joy.

“Good heavens, what are you doing here?” Nic embraced his brother as Stewart closed the door, encasing the princes in privacy.

“It’s been three years since you’ve come home and you have to ask? I’ve missed you.”

The genuine thrum of affection in Gabriel’s voice caught Nic off guard. As tight as the triplets had been as children, once on their divergent paths, circumstances and distance had caused them to drift apart. Nic hadn’t realized how much he’d missed his older brother until this moment.

“I’ve missed you, too.” The car began to move as Nic asked after the youngest of the three brothers. “How’s Christian?”

“Unpredictable as always. Right now he’s in Switzerland talking to a company that might be interested in bringing a nanotechnology manufacturing plant here.”

“That’s wonderful.” Nic couldn’t help but wonder at the timing of Christian’s absence given the series of events his mother had designed for the purpose of finding brides for her sons. “When is he due back?”

“In time for the wedding or Mother will skin him alive.”

“And the rest of the parties and receptions?”