Sebastian drummed his fingers on the car door. “What else did you talk about?”

She must have heard the tension in his voice because she grimaced. “Nothing about what he saw in your suite yesterday morning, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I wasn’t,” he lied.

Conversation drifted into less complicated topics as she negotiated the strip and parked the car back at the hotel. He set his hand on the small of her back as he guided her across the concrete to the elevator that would return them to the hotel’s lobby. From there they could head into the casino or back to his suite. He wondered which she’d choose.

“Winning the car was fun,” Missy said as they stepped off the elevator and were met by the activity of a casino in full swing. “Problem is, I don’t know how to get it home.”

Sebastian followed her as they headed toward the elevators that serviced the hotel’s rooms. Tension leaked out of his body with each step. She was obviously not interested in gambling away the night. But was she up for anything else?

“Max ships cars all the time,” he said. “I’ll give him a call in the morning and see if he has a carrier he can recommend.”

“I never thought about shipping it home. I figured I’d either have to drive it back to Texas or sell it before I left.”

The elevator deposited them on their floor. Sebastian kept his hands to himself as they walked down the hall. He didn’t trust himself to touch her. Plus, he’d put her in charge of tonight’s entertainment. She was in control.

“Why would you sell it?”

“I’ve never owned anything so impractical before.”

“Maybe it’s time that changed.”

They stopped beside the door to her hotel room. Missy regarded him with open curiosity, waiting to see what he’d do. Sebastian surveyed the pliant curves of her mouth.

“Good night, Missy,” he said, squashing his satisfaction at her disappointed expression. Whether they spent the night together was her decision to make. He bent down and brushed his lips across her cheek, lingering to enjoy her tantalizing fragrance. “Sweet dreams.”

With her disappointment in Sebastian’s chaste kiss thundering through her body, Missy watched him disappear into his hotel suite, leaving her abandoned in the empty hall. Heat blasted her cheeks. Her hands trembled so badly she had trouble fitting the keycard into the slot. She stumbled through the door when it opened, scarcely supported by knees turned to warm jelly. The bed looked like a safe place to rest until the whirling in her head slowed. Instead, she walked to the door that connected her room to Sebastian’s.

When she pulled it open, she found him waiting for her. Before she completed her sigh of relief, he’d caught her up in his arms and strode toward the bedroom.

“Hey,” she protested. “I thought I was in charge of tonight’s activities.”

“As soon as I get you naked I’m at your command.”

Sebastian dispatched her dress with more urgency than finesse. She wasn’t wearing stockings, but he made quick work of her bra and panties.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, his lips drifting down her neck. He lowered her to the bed, ignoring his earlier promise to let her be in charge.

Missy didn’t care. She tugged his coat off his broad shoulders and somehow worked all his shirt buttons free.

“Help me,” she demanded as her fingers fumbled with his belt.

Brushing her hands aside, he rolled off the bed and shed the rest of his clothes. Gloriously naked and aroused, he returned to her.

“Fast or slow?” he queried, his tongue dipping into her navel.

Missy’s hips bucked off the mattress as his fingers glided up her thigh. “Yes.”

He chuckled. “It can’t be both. That was an either-or question.”

“Shut up and kiss me.”

“That I can do.”

And to her delight he did.

Long, slow and deep. Tender and adoring. By the time Sebastian settled between her thighs, his kisses and caresses had touched every inch of her skin.