“It’s more than the dress. You look completely different. Like wow.”

The old her would have been thrilled by his enthusiasm. Tim wasn’t much for compliments. Most of the time, he’d given her the impression he could do better. And since she’d worried that he was right, she’d never complained.

“Why weren’t you like this when we were together?”

She refused to give him credit for her transformation, although she’d still be plain old Missy if he hadn’t dumped her. “What’s in there?” She gestured at the box he held.

“It’s some of the stuff you left at my place. One of those shawls you knit. One of those books you read.”

“It’s a biography on John Adams. I left it for you. It was very good. I thought you would like it.”

“That’s okay. You know I don’t read much.” He used the box like a battering ram as he made his way into her condo. “Can I come in?”

“This isn’t a great time.” Knowing she’d never win a shoving match with Tim, Missy reluctantly gave ground. Anxiety hummed as he moved to the center of the living room and looked around. “You really need to go.”

He shot her an exasperated look. “It’ll just take a second for m

e to grab my anime DVDs.”

“They’re where you left them.”

They’d never spent much time at Tim’s house. He had a black Lab with no manners that Missy couldn’t stand being around. Being unable to spend the night meant their sex life was sporadic. In fact, she couldn’t remember the last time they’d been together. Unlike with Sebastian, where she felt each second without him as if an eternity had passed.

Had she seriously considered marrying Tim?

He dropped the box on her couch and turned toward her. “I broke up with Candy.”

That explained his visit. He’d come by because he was alone once more, and if there was anything Tim hated, it was flying solo.

“That’s too bad. You two seemed perfect for each other.” A trace of bitterness entered her voice. Being dumped still stung even if her heart was no longer vulnerable to him.

“So did I until she left me.” Tim looked ready to lay the whole sob story on her.

Missy edged toward Tim’s anime collection. Sebastian was due to arrive any second. The sooner she got rid of Tim, the better.

“It was then I realized I should never have broken up with you.” He’d gotten that right at least. Too bad for him it was too little and way too late.

“That’s sweet of you to say, but now you really have to go. I’m expecting someone…”

“I was hoping we could get back together.”

He’d crushed her dreams without mercy, and now he wanted her to take him back? She almost laughed.

“I can’t.”

“Why not?” He really thought she’d still be pining over him.

And maybe he was right to. She’d let him treat her as if she wasn’t good enough for him.

“Because I’m not the girl you dumped. More has happened to me in the last six weeks than new clothes and a better haircut.” For one thing she was pregnant. For another, she’d fallen in love with the baby’s father. Missy gathered a shaky breath as the hopelessness of her situation battered her. “I’m in love with someone else.”

“In six weeks?” Tim scoffed, his eyes and mouth hardening. “That’s not like you. It took a dozen dates before you’d let me kiss you. Is this your way of getting back at me?”

“No. It’s true.”

“Who is it?”

Missy hesitated. Tim had no right to any answer. It was none of his business.