She lingered in the bathroom, powdering her nose and applying lipstick. Meeting Kaitlyn had put her in a thoughtful mood. Ever since high school, she’d envied the girls like her. They all navigated this world of wealth and sophistication with such ease. She felt gauche and awkward beside them. If she and Kaitlyn stood on either side of Sebastian, onlookers would always assume he and Kaitlyn were the couple. They both exuded a confidence that Missy couldn’t match.

All the more reason to stick to her plan and keep things strictly professional between them. With a grimace, Missy exited the restroom and searched for Sebastian.

“I’ve gambled away all the money,” he said as she approached. “Let’s get out of here.”

“But we’ve only been here an hour.” Was he already embarrassed that she didn’t fit in with his crowd?

He looked displeased with her answer. “I suppose you want the chance to win the money back.” He slid his fingers over the small of her back and applied the perfect pressure to coax her closer. “I’ve made an appearance and done my duty by the food shelf. Now, I want to take you home.”

That’s what she was afraid of. “Sure. Tomorrow’s a work-day after all. I suppose we should make it an early night.”

“You misunderstand me,” Sebastian said, his eyes alight. Her pulse skyrocketed as the compelling warmth of his hand penetrated her silk dress. “Will you be angry if I tell you tonight was merely an excuse to spend time with you?”

Her mouth dropped open as his meaning penetrated, but already her longing for him was threatening her common sense. “You’re making a huge mistake.”

“I don’t follow.”

She gestured at her hair and clothes. “This isn’t me. Las Vegas was nothing but a fantasy.”

“I think this is you.”

“No. I’m the girl who works long hours at a job she’s overqualified for and spends her free time knitting prayer shawls and volunteering at women-at-risk shelters. I don’t drink. I don’t club. I’m not glamorous or interesting.” She kept her face turned away so he couldn’t see the hot tears brimming in her eyes.

“Have you

looked in the mirror? You’re beautiful. And the most fascinating woman in the world.” His compliments might be a complete lie, but they weakened her knees all the same. “Now, let’s get out of here.”

After that speech, how could she be anything but putty in his hands? Fortunately, their exit was delayed by a half-dozen more people who asked about business, or mentioned his father or tried to corral him for lunch. She recognized a majority of the men. Many she’d spoken with on the phone during her four years working for Sebastian.

They, in turn, seemed surprised to see her at Sebastian’s side during a nonwork event. She could almost hear them wonder why Sebastian brought his former executive assistant to the fundraiser. Despite being introduced as the new director of communications, she couldn’t stop feeling like an outsider.

If it were only Sebastian and her, she wouldn’t have a care in the world. His kisses banished every worry from her mind like magic. Every time they came together it was a roller-coaster ride of desire. But real relationships existed in public as well as private. She couldn’t picture herself ever fitting into his world.

On the way back to her condo, Sebastian drove in silence. His fingers tapped the steering wheel, keeping time to a rhythm only he heard. Almost as if he was anxious. Unaccustomed to anything but utter calm from him, she eyed Sebastian from beneath her lashes.

“I met Kaitlyn Murray at the party,” she said. “She seems very nice.”

“Kaitlyn is a great girl.”

“She said your families are very close.”

“I guess that’s true.” Sebastian shot her a questioning look.

“Your mom’s right. She’s the perfect choice for you. She knows all the same people you do. Attends the same events. I’m sure she went to all the right schools.”

“And I feel nothing but friendship toward her.”

“You could build on that.”

“It might have been enough once.” Sebastian let his gaze slide over her. “Before I got to know you in Las Vegas.”

Her heart felt lighter than air. For a second it was hard to breathe. Before she floated away, Missy got herself back under control. Nothing about their situation had changed. “What happened between us there was just passion.”

“Then why can’t I stop thinking about you?”

His words awakened a tremor. “It just didn’t get a chance to burn out.”

“That’s your explanation?” Sebastian nodded. “If we’d been together for a couple months, maybe a year I’d have gotten tired of you. Is that what you think?”