Earlier, he’d been right when he’d accused her of wanting to spend the day with him. Four years of suppressed longing hadn’t been assuaged by a mere ten hours of lovemaking. In fact, the night with Sebastian had fueled her appetite for more.


She cut him off. “Don’t you dare.” Something about the way he said her name spurred her to action. The urge to hit him came out of nowhere. Her fist connected with his chest.

“What the hell was that for?” His eyes flared to life, but he looked more surprised than angry.

“I don’t know.”

She’d sensed whatever he’d been about to say would persuade her to get naked. That couldn’t happen. One night with him was about fulfilling dozens upon dozens of erotic fantasies. A week would mean she’d fallen prey to the same unrealistic pipe dream that had gotten her heart broken in high school.

She didn’t fit into Sebastian’s world any more than she’d fit into Chip’s. Repeating the pattern would be idiotic. She liked to think she’d gotten wiser since age sixteen. This morning with Sebastian, she’d discovered how close she’d come to making the same mistake all over again.

He fingered the spot where she’d struck him. “I was going to compliment you on how well the cocktail party went. I couldn’t have pulled this week off without you.”

Confusion reigned. Is that really what he’d intended to say? If so, she’d just made a fool of herself again. If not…

No. She couldn’t think about the alternative. Sebastian had made his need for her clear. She was his assistant. That’s the only role he wanted her to play.

“Thank you.”

“What will it take for you to stay on? More money? A company car? An extra week of vacation? I’ll give you anything you want.”

She wanted him to make her feel like a desirable woman, not a valuable commodity because she was organized and detail oriented.

“Anything?” It intrigued her to see the uncompromising Sebastian offer her a blank check.

“Anything.” His low voice slid over her skin like warm silk. She recalled its effect on her the night before. He’d coaxed her to do things that even now roused goose bumps.

She kept her tone level so he wouldn’t see how he disturbed her. “Good thing Nathan’s in charge of acquisitions because you suck at negotiating.”

“Not usually, but something about you brings out the worst in me.”

“I never used to,” she complained softly.

“You also never used to come to work dressed like you were tonight, either.” Hard as iron, his eyes held hers. “What is it going to take to keep you on as my assistant?”

She pondered the long hours at her desk and the price she’d paid in her personal life. She’d made the decision to quit before she’d slept with Sebastian. Nothing had changed. In fact, moving on was more essential than ever.

“It’s no use. You might promise me the same thing won’t happen again, but I know it will. You just can’t help yourself.”

His eyebrows arched. “You think I can’t keep my hands off you?”

At his misunderstanding, her body flushed asphalt-in-August hot. “I’m not talking about sex, I’m talking about your promise not to bother me evenings and weekends. You’d start regressing. I want to work for someone who understands that an employee’s off-hours are sacred.” She tossed her head. “In fact, someone already made me an offer. Someone who knows the value of a personal life.”


“Nothing’s finalized yet. But when it is, you’ll be the first to know.”

Donning a plum-colored dress, Missy slipped out of her hotel room at six-thirty to make sure she missed Sebastian. After yesterday, she needed a cup or two of coffee before she faced him.

Missy reached the ballroom where most of the summit meetings would take place. After checking on the food arrangements and making sure all the audiovisual equipment was working, she assured herself that Sebastian’s opening speech awaited him at the podium. Everything had to be perfect.

“I see my son has you burning the candle at both ends.” Brandon stood at the back of the room, dressed for a round of golf rather than a business meeting. “Have you given any more thought to my suggestion that you take over for Dean as director of communications? Max liked the idea and wants to discuss it with you after the summit.”

“I’m not sure I have the experience required,” Missy hedged, wondering if she should even be discussing a job change without talking to Sebastian first. The opportunity tempted her, but she’d be happier about it if the idea had come from Sebastian.

Working for a family business, regardless of size, offered challenges. As Sebastian’s executive assistant, Missy had often found herself trapped in the middle of a power play between her boss and the head of the company. Since Brandon had stepped down as CEO, her job had grown less complicated politically, but he still owned a large share of the company and of late had begun to insinuate himself back into the business with frequent visits to the office and happily offered opinions.