For the first time in weeks she felt happy.

“Where are we heading?” he asked.

“Biella’s. I’m bringing more of my jewelry for them to sell.”

At the word jewelry, Nathan lifted their clasped hands and grazed his lips against her bare ring finger. “Did you ever make your engagement ring?”

She thought of the black, velvet-lined box in her purse. “Why bother when there is no engagement?”

Despite her tart tone, he grinned at her. “Can I see it?”

Was she really that transparent? Heaving a sigh, she fished out the ring box and dropped it into his outstretched hand. He popped it into his pocket without opening it. Emma’s heart thundered and vertigo struck her again. She must have wavered because Nathan stopped and turned her to face him.

“Are you all right?” He cupped her cheek, thumb stroking her skin in a soothing rhythm. The concern shadowing his eyes made her long to rest her head against the powerful expanse of his chest.

Instead, she grabbed his hand and pulled it away from her cheek. “I’m fine. Just a little dizzy from not eating breakfast this morning.”

“We should have stopped for lunch first.”

“Biella’s is right there.” She pointed to the store. “This will only take a second.”

As they waited for a sales clerk to get the manager, Nathan surveyed her jewelry. “There’s not much here.”

Thinking that he didn’t recognize her older designs, Emma peered into the case. Delight seized her as she counted. Another five pieces had sold.

Thomas McMann appeared across the case from them, smiling. “Ms. Montgomery, how nice that you came by. As you can see, your designs are in high demand.” He handed her an envelope containing her check. “I hope you brought us some more of your work.”

“I have these.” Emma pulled from her bag the newest pieces she’d created.

“And there’s this.” Nathan placed the ring box on the counter.

Before Emma could stop him, Thomas McMann snatched the box and opened it. He smiled with delight. “This is lovely. Do you have more engagement designs? I do a lot of wedding business. White gold or platinum?”

“Platinum. But it’s not for sale.” She shot Nathan a sour look.

He responded with a shrug. “I don’t see why not. You’re not going to wear it. You might as well sell it and make some money.”

Emma met the challenge in Nathan’s gaze and grappled for something to say.

“Unless, of course, you’ve changed your mind about marrying me.”

“Why would I do that?” She sounded breathless and as uncertain as she felt.

She’d come to his office today, knowing he wouldn’t want his child growing up without a father, and willing to marry him for that reason. But in the elevator, she’d started to think that maybe he’d fallen in love with her a little. In fact, in the space of a few heartbeats, she’d pinned all her hopes and dreams on it. She searched his expression for some sign that she’d been right.

“I thought maybe something had changed.”

All at once it hit her. Sparkling lights appeared before her eyes. She flushed hot from head to toe. “You know.”

“Know what?”

She didn’t buy his innocent act for a second. He knew she was pregnant. That’s why he wanted to marry her. Not because he was starting to love her.

Awash in dismay, Emma gripped the counter, mortified to realize that Thomas McCann watched their exchange with obvious curiosity. She blinked, mustered a polite smile and scooped up her engagement ring.

“I’ll bring by some wedding sets next week. I think you’ll love the designs. Have a nice day.”

With that, she shot Nathan a hard look, pivoted on her heel and marched out of the store. Annoyance fueled her pace, and she reached the sidewalk before he caught up with her.