Her heat called to him, drove him mad with wanting. He kissed his way down her neck. “What’s the rush? We have all night.”

“You want to make me yours,” she reminded him, nipping at his chin. Her breath hitched as he eased his lips over her skin. “Please do that.”

He closed his eyes as her pleading eroded his willpower. “I want you fully satisfied before I do so. I don’t think I’ve fulfilled my end of the bargain.”

His voice shook with harsh urgency, but he couldn’t control that any more than he could stop the trembling in his muscles as her fingers caressed his chest and moved lower. He wanted her so much he thought he might die from the ache.

“I won’t be fully satisfied until you’re inside me.”

Nathan sucked in his breath as her fingers found his shaft and measured him in a series of provocative, fluid strokes.

No more words were needed. He eased forward. Her hips lifted to find the hardness of him and her hands cupped his buttocks to urge him into her. Trapped between her heat and the soft determination of her hands, he had no choice but to give her what she wanted.

Bracing his weight on his arms, he slipped inside her a little at a time. She groaned in pleasure as her body absorbed all of him. The sound almost pushed him over the edge, but he sucked in a deep, steadying breath and focused on her face.

“Tell me what you’re thinking,” he said, taking a long moment to savor the passion-drugged sleepiness in her heavy-lidded expression.

“I’m thinking…” she answered in a soft, cautious voice, digging her nails into his butt. Nathan’s body jumped in response to her provocative caress. “That I’ve never been so turned on before.”

“That’s good.?


He eased out of her as slowly as he had entered and watched her eyes round and darken until they were all pupil. She bit her lip. He clenched his teeth together to keep himself from slamming into her repeatedly and gaining the exquisite release his body craved. When he came, he wanted her with him.

The satisfying friction as he moved in and out of her blew huge, gaping holes in his willpower, but he started replaying multiplication tables in his head and held on.

She increased his tempo much sooner than he wanted. Her soft cries and the frantic movement of her hips destroyed the control he had fought so hard to maintain. The shattering of his heart began the moment he felt her release. Nathan gathered her into his arms and pounded his way to his own climax, enthralled by the way she kept pace with him. Together, they stormed into the brilliance of pleasure so acute he couldn’t breathe.

As his name left her lips, as her fingers dug into his shoulders, as his chest tightened with the intensity of his emotions, he banded her to his body and shook in reaction, dazzled by their turbulent lovemaking.

In the aftermath of the fire, Nathan stroked a strand of hair away from her cheek and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, sensing that, at last, he’d found the woman who could curb his restless nature.


According to the digital clock on the nightstand, it was a quarter after five. Emma yawned. Falling asleep had been a mistake. Already she could feel herself falling under Nathan’s spell. Spending the night and following that up with morning lovemaking would set a precedent Nathan would exploit to the fullest.

Although he hadn’t mentioned marriage or even referred to an unofficial engagement between them last night, Emma knew his mind-set. He needed the deal with her father and would do whatever it took to persuade her to marry him, including seduce her limp and senseless over and over until she could refuse him nothing. But she had more immediate concerns.

Easing from beneath Nathan’s arm proved difficult for several reasons.

Huge muscles were heavy.

His big naked body held as much temptation relaxed in sleep as it had aroused.

And he’d worn her out with the most incredible lovemaking she’d ever experienced.

As she swung her feet to the floor, Nathan stirred and reached toward her. She scooted off the bed and glanced over her shoulder, wondering if he’d awaken. He slumbered on, face half-buried in her pillow, his muscular torso sprawled across the space she’d so recently occupied. Ignoring the voice in her head encouraging her to wake him up for one last hurrah, Emma searched the dark room for her discarded clothes.

She nearly tripped over her skirt. Her bra lay three feet away. When had she kicked off her shoes? She paused to drape Nathan’s pants across the foot of his bed. His shirt followed after she put the garment to her nose for a deep hit of the cologne he wore. The same scent emanated from her skin. She smiled, wondering if the hands he’d smoothed over every inch of her skin smelled like Donna Karan’s Cashmere Mist.

A groan gathered in her throat. Why hadn’t she honored the promises to herself and stayed out of Nathan’s bed? Who was she kidding—the instant his mouth settled on hers, stealing her breath, demanding her surrender, she’d been putty in his hands. He’d wrung impassioned moans from her throat, sexy encouragement from her lips and uncontrolled writhing from her body. Her cheeks burned hot as she thought about all the things she had let him do.

She stared at the bed, eyeing the tangled sheets that bared his back and most of one butt cheek. Shockingly, the space between her thighs tingled. She bit down on her tender, well-kissed lips, fighting temptation. How could she possibly be ready for more?

Quit stalling. Get yourself dressed and get out.

The urge to pause for one last look at the slumbering man fought with her practical side. Hadn’t she already overindulged? Emma slipped on her lingerie and skirt, zipping it on the short walk into his living room, and dangled her shoes by the straps as she made her way to the door.