“Later,” he growled against her lips before flicking his tongue against hers, stealing her breath and her sanity.

Sliding her hands up his chest, she buried her fingers in his hair and held on as he deepened the kiss, plundering her mouth, demanding that she respond without reluctance or hesitation. She surrendered to the hands that molded her body, the fierce seduction of his mouth stripping away her reservations about the lovemaking to come.

Lust ravaged her, destroying her last qualm. Her body belonged to him. He’d proved that the last time. And she trusted that he would be the perfect guide on this excursion into carnal delights.

“Tonight, we’re going to do this slowly.” He slipped his lips over her chin, her cheek, her eyes, her nose. “Last time you rushed me. That will not happen again.”

Her head fell back as his teeth nibbled her earlobe. His ministrations ripped an airy giggle from her throat. “Not too slowly, or I might change my mind.”

“I have no worries about that,” he murmured, sounding smug, the way a man with an armful of wanton woman would.

“Oh, for heaven’s sake,” she sighed, rubbing her pelvis against him in restless frustration as his palms kneaded her hips. Only with Nathan did she experience such riotous sensations. “I have so much pressure inside me, I’m going to burst.”

She demonstrated the serious nature of her distress by moving against him in a manner that aroused her more than it eased her suffering. Nathan’s mouth collided with hers as their hips began to rock together in a pantomime of what was to come.

“You have no idea what you do to me, Emma.”

His words stoked the flames higher. Emma increased the abandoned gyrations of her body, too caught up in the heady turbulence to want a slow seduction. She knew he wanted their next time together to be in bed, but she was ready to throw him to the couch and straddle him.

Eager to see every gorgeous inch of him, she tugged his shirt free of his trousers, frantic to feel the warm silk of his skin. Nathan eased the pressure on her mouth long enough to aid her.

Together they dispensed with his buttons. With his shirt gone and her fingers against his skin, Emma purred with satisfaction. Urgency became awe as she skimmed the smoothness of his shoulders and the lean brawn beneath.

“You are beautiful.” Hard muscles shifted beneath her exploring caress.

“I’ve never been called beautiful before.”

“You are,” Emma assured him, trailing her fingers across his chest and boldly tracing the path of rough hair to the place where it disappeared beneath his pants. “Now take everything off.”

Nathan groaned as her provocative words and saucy tone impacted on the one area of his body he couldn’t control. If he had been hard from the moment they’d stepped into the condo, he was ready to burst his seams after that comment.

She leaned forward and stroked her tongue against his collarbone, grazing his shoulder with her teeth.

“You first,” he said. He couldn’t trust his voice any more than he could count on controlling the rest of his body.

His desire for her ran fierce and resolute through his veins, but he bound it with relentless control. She deserved a slow, sensual ride. He wanted to bring her the same wild, unbridled pleasure her touch promised him.

“So, let’s start with this.” Emma stripped off her jacket and reached for the hem of her lace top, lifting it over her head, disturbing her careless topknot as she did so. She emerged from the cream material and gave her head a vigorous shake.

Nathan’s breath caught. Long brown hair tumbled about her shoulders, framing a face of vulnerable beauty. He considered the wide-eyed darkness of her chocolate-hued eyes and the

thoroughly plundered redness of her mouth.

Had he only kissed her? She looked positively drugged by passion.

“Now, that’s more like it,” he said an instant before her hands snaked out and caught his belt to tug him closer. He bent his head and answered her urgent call for a kiss.

Her lips clung to his when he lifted his head. She breathed in a rapid, unsteady manner that made him smile as he surveyed the wholly sensual look on her face, put there by his caresses.

Groaning low in her throat, the animalistic sound fanning his desire, she slid her palm downward. Before she could touch him, Nathan caught her wrist and pulled her hand away. “None of that right now. I promised you a night to remember,” he growled, sweeping her off her feet and into his arms. “Not a quickie on the floor in my living room.”

When he set her on her feet once more, his king-size mattress bumped the back of her knees.

“A quickie,” she murmured, fumbling to unfasten the belt and the top button of his trousers. “Yes, make love to me now.”

He tumbled her onto the bed. “If you insist.”

“I insist.” She arched, catlike, as he rolled her beneath him.