Page 12 of The Rogue's Fortune

“Sorry to stop by without calling.” Since Allison had given birth five months ago, Elizabeth hadn’t seen her friend more than once a month. To Elizabeth’s shame, it stung that Allison was so happy being a mom when Elizabeth struggled to conceive.

“No. It’s fine. I’m happy to take any time you can spare.”

Her friend didn’t mean anything by the remark, but Elizabeth flinched anyway. “I’m a terrible friend.”

“No. You’re just busy.”

So was Allison. She had her hands full with a colicky baby, but she managed to call three times a week. Elizabeth felt even worse.

“How’s Greg?”

“Getting better.” Allison led Elizabeth into the tiny kitchen and fetched a couple diet sodas out of the refrigerator. “He sleeps almost four hours a night now.”


Elizabeth tried to imagine how she was going to make things work on her own with a baby and no help. She glanced around the kitchen. Dishes were piled in the sink and baby bottles sat upside down in a drying rack. Beyond the breakfast bar, where once there had been a pristine living room with glass tables, expensive accent pieces and tons of plants, only the black leather couch remained and it was piled with a basket of unfolded baby clothes. Colorful toys and a baby swing competed for space on the hardwood floors.

“Can I babysit for you and Keith one night? Maybe you could go out for a nice dinner?”

Allison looked so hopeful, Elizabeth’s heart clenched.

“That would be great. Get you ready for your own bundle of joy.” This last was said with such weariness that Elizabeth wondered if her envy over her friend’s perfect life had been a tad off base. Gasping, Allison leaned forward and grabbed Elizabeth’s hands. Her eyes burned with hope. “Is that why you’re here? To tell me you’re pregnant?”

“No.” Elizabeth shook her head. “The last round didn’t take.”

“Damn.” Allison’s mouth turned down at the corners. “I’m so sorry. What are you going to do?”

“Try again.”

“But I thought you didn’t have enough money.”

“I’m going to ask Josie to make me a partner.”

Allison blew out a breath. “Good luck with that.” She looked immediately contrite. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t what you needed to hear. How are you going to approach it?”

In the face of Allison’s doubt, Elizabeth pushed aside her frustration and squared her shoulders. “I just handled my first A-list party and it was a huge success. All sorts of bookings are coming in and they all want me.”

“How wonderful. Does Josie know they all want you?”

On the topic of Elizabeth’s career, Allison had all sorts of strong opinions about Josie Summers. All of them negative.

“In her own way, she knows.” But that didn’t mean Josie would ever admit it.

“You could quit,” Allison suggested with a far too innocent expression. “Start your own event planning company.”

“You know I can’t do that.” It was a conversation she and Allison had engaged in often in the past three years.

“I know you’re afraid to do that.”

“I like the security of a job with a steady paycheck.”

Allison didn’t appear convinced by Elizabeth’s determined tone. “You could put off having a baby for a couple years while you get your business going.”

Elizabeth rejected her friend’s suggestion with a firm shake of her head. “I’d rather put up with Josie for the next five years than wait to have a baby.”

“You’re so sensible.” The baby monitor on the counter next to the sink erupted with cries. Allison stared at the device and held her breath as if even that small noise would further disturb the restless child.

“Do you need to go check on him?”