Page 55 of Nanny Makes Three

“Fine. I didn’t sleep very well. I couldn’t stop thinking about Maggie and wondering how she’s doing.”

“You should call or text Liam and find out. I don’t think he would have a problem with you letting him know you’re worried.”

“I did last night. He never got back to me.” Hadley sounded as deflated as she felt. What had she expected? That Liam would fall all over himself telling her how much he missed her and that he regretted letting her go?

“Oh,” Kori said, obviously stumped for an answer. “Well, then to hell with him.”

That made Hadley smile. “Yeah,” she agreed with fake bravado. “To hell with him.”

But she didn’t really mean it. She didn’t even know if Liam had received her text. His focus was 100 percent fixed on Maggie, as was right. He’d answer in due time.

Twenty minutes later, Kori dropped her off at Wade Ranch. Hadley was relieved that her car was the only one in the driveway. She wouldn’t have to run into Liam and make awkward conversation.

As soon as Hadley opened the front door she was assailed by the mouthwatering scent of cinnamon and sugar. She followed her nose to the kitchen and found Candace putting caramel rolls into a plastic container. Forgetting her intention had been to pack her suitcase with the few belongings she’d brought to the ranch house and get out as soon as possible, Hadley succumbed to the lure of Candace’s incomparable pastries and sat down on one of the stools next to the island, fixing the housekeeper with a hopeful gaze.

“Those smell incredible.”

“I thought I’d take them over to Liam at the hospital and give him a break so he could come home and clean up.”

“That’s really nice of you.”

“But now that you’re here, maybe you could take them to him instead.” Candace caught Hadley’s grimace and frowned. “What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know that Liam is going to want to see me.” At Candace’s puzzled expression, Hadley explained, “We broke off our engagement and I left him all alone at the hospital yesterday.” After freaking out on him, she finished silently.

“I don’t understand. Did you have a fight?”

“Not exactly. It’s more that we rushed into things. I mean, we’ve only known each other a short time, and who gets engaged after three weeks?”

“But you two were so much in love. And it is an engagement, after all. You’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other while you plan your wedding.”

Hadley couldn’t bring herself to explain to Candace that Liam didn’t love her and only proposed so he could improve his chances of gaining custody of Maggie. “It was all just too fast,” she murmured.

“But what about Maggie? I’m sure that Liam would appreciate your support with her being in the hospital.”

Nothing Hadley could say would be good enough to rationalize abandoning a sick baby, so she merely hung her head and stared at the veins of silver glinting in the granite countertop. “I’ll take the caramel rolls to Liam,” she said at last. “And maybe some coffee as well. He’s sure to be exhausted.”

Candace nodded in approval. “He’ll like that.”

While Candace sealed up the rolls, Hadley poured coffee into a thermos, wondering how she’d let herself get talked into returning to the hospital. Then she sighed. It hadn’t taken much prompting from Candace. In fact, Hadley was happy for an excuse to visit.

“If you’re afraid because things between you have happened too fast,” Candace began, turning away to carry the empty caramel roll pan to the sink, “I think you should know that I’ve never seen Liam as happy as he is with you.”

“He makes me happy, as well.” Had she let a past hurt blind her to everything that was true and loving about Liam?

“Whatever stands between you two can’t possibly be insurmountable if you choose to work together to beat it.”

What if fear of being hurt again had led to her overreacting to Liam’s desire to seek custody of Maggie? Was it possible that she’d misjudged him? Attributed motives to him that didn’t exist, all because she couldn’t trust her own judgment?

“You’re probably right.”

“Then maybe you two should consider being open with each other about what it is you want and how you can achieve it.”

Hadley offered Candace a wry smile. “It sounds so easy when you say it.”

“Being in love isn’t always easy, but in my experience, it’s totally worth the ride.”

“And Liam is totally worth taking that ride with,” Hadley agreed. “Perhaps it’s time I stopped being afraid of telling him that.”