Page 43 of Nanny Makes Three

“Let’s go cut some cattle,” Hadley said, all too aware how closely Liam had been observing her.

* * *

Liam didn’t think a woman’s pleasure had ever been as important to him as Hadley’s. Between their lovemaking in Vail and the joy she’d demonstrated cutting cattle today, especially when Daisy had kept a heifer from returning to the herd, he was convinced he would know true happiness only if he continued delighting Hadley.

Would he have felt the same a year ago? Remaining celibate for twelve months had given him a greater appreciation of companionship. Being with Hadley had enabled him to understand the difference between what he’d had with his former girlfriends and true intimacy. Granted, he’d only barely scratched the surface with her. Instinct told him she was rich with complex layers she didn’t yet trust him to see. Moving past her defenses wasn’t anything he wanted to rush. Or force.

He had a good thing going. Why make a mistake and risk losing her?

“That was amazing,” Hadley crowed. Cheeks flushed, eyes dancing with excitement, she was as vibrant as he’d ever seen her. “You knew I’d love this when you suggested I ride her.”

“She’s a natural, boss,” one of the ranch hands commented, his gaze lingering on Hadley longer than Liam liked.

“I figured she would be.”

The urge to growl at the cowboy was nearly impossible to repress. Obviously, Liam wasn’t the only one dazzled by the attractive Ms. Hadley Stratton. And since he hadn’t yet staked a public claim, the rest of the male population assumed she was fair game. That situation was not to his liking. Time he did something to change it.

Liam nudged his stallion forward and cut Hadley off from the admiring cowboys with the ease of someone accustomed to working cattle. “It’s late. We should be getting back to Maggie.”

Her eyes lost none of their sparkle as she nodded. “I’ve probably strained enough muscles for one day.” She laughed. “I can tell I’m going to be in pain tomorrow, but it was worth it.”

“I’m glad you like Daisy.” Liam decided to push his luck. “She could probably stand a little work if you felt inclined.”

Hadley hesitated but shook her head. He was making progress since the last time he’d tried to persuade her to ride. He wanted her to talk to him, to share how she was feeling. They’d discussed her friend’s accident, and Hadley had mulled his suggestion that she move past the guilt that she’d carried for years. Had something about that changed?

“I’m due to go back to school in a week. I don’t know how I’d make time.”

He’d found a permanent nanny for Maggie. Liam and Hadley had agreed that being together would not work if she was still his employee. But he was realizing that she would no longer be an everyday fixture in his life, and that was a situation he needed to fix.

“I don’t mind sharing you with the horses,” he said, keeping his voice casual. He’d never had to work so hard to keep from spooking a woman.

“Oh, you don’t?” She gave him a wry smile. “What if I don’t have enough time for either of you?”

Liam’s grip on the reins tightened and Buzzard began trotting in place. If he thought she was flirting, he’d have shot back a provocative retort, but Liam had gotten to know Hadley well enough in the last few weeks to know she had serious concerns.

“Move in with me.”

The offer was sudden, but he didn’t surprise himself when he made it.

“You already have a full-time nanny moving in.”

“Not as a nanny.”

Her eyes widened. “Then as what?”

“The woman I’m crazy about.” He’d never been in love and had no idea if that’s what he felt for Hadley. But he’d been doing a lot of soul-searching these last few days.

“You’re crazy about me?” The doubt in her voice wasn’t unexpected.

He’d known she wouldn’t accept his declaration without some vigorous convincing. Hadley wasn’t one to forgive herself easily for past mistakes. She’d fallen for her first employer, only to have her heart torn up when the jerk got back together with his ex-wife. That wasn’t a judgment error she would make a second time. And she was already

skeptical of Liam’s past romantic history.

“If we weren’t on these damned horses I’d demonstrate just how crazy.”

Liam ground his teeth at her surprise. What kept her from accepting how strong his feelings had become? The mildest of her saucy smiles provoked a befuddling rush of lust. He pondered what her opinion would be on a dozen decisions before lunch. Waking up alone in his big bed had become the most painful part of his day.

“This is happening too fast.”