Page 11 of Nanny Makes Three

“Where’s Hadley?”

“Shopping for clothes and things for Maggie.” Candace set a roast beef sandwich on the center island

and went to the refrigerator for a soda. “The poor girl hasn’t been out of here in days.”

“She took Maggie with her?”

“I offered to watch her while she was gone, but the weather is warm, and Hadley thought the outing would do her some good.”

“How long have they been gone?”

“About fifteen minutes.” Candace set her hands on her hips and regarded him squarely. “Is there some reason for all the questions?”


Liam wondered at his edginess. He trusted Maggie was in good hands with Hadley, but for some reason, the thought of both of them leaving the ranch had sparked his anxiety. What was wrong with him? It wasn’t as if they weren’t ever coming back.

The thought caught him by surprise. Is that what was in the back of his mind? The notion that people he cared about left the ranch and didn’t come back? Ridiculous. Sure, his mother had left him and Kyle. And then Kyle had gone off to join the navy, but people needed to live their lives. It had nothing to do with him or the ranch. Still, the sense of uneasiness lingered.

* * *

Royal Diner was humming with lunchtime activity when Hadley pushed through the glass door in search of a tuna melt and a chance to catch up with Kori. To her relief, her best friend had already snagged one of the booths. Hadley crossed the black-and-white checkerboard floor and slid onto the red faux-leather seat with a grateful sigh.

“I’m so glad you were able to meet me last-minute,” Hadley said, settling Maggie’s carrier beside her and checking on the sleeping infant.

She’d already fed and changed the baby at Priceless, Raina Patterson’s antiques store and craft studio. Hadley had taken a candle-making class there last month and wanted to see what else Raina might be offering.

“Thanks for calling. This time of year is both a blessing and a curse.” Kori was a CPA who did a lot of tax work, making January one of her slower months. “I love Scott, but his obsessive need to be busy at all times gets on my nerves.” Kori and her husband had started their accounting company two years ago, and despite what she’d just said, the decision had been perfect for them.

“You’re the one doing me a favor. I really need your advice.” Hadley trailed off as the waitress brought two Diet Cokes.

They put in their lunch order and when the waitress departed, Kori leaned her forearms on the table and fixed Hadley with an eager stare.

“This is fantastic. You never need my help with anything.”

Her friend’s statement caught Hadley off guard. “That’s not true. I’m always asking for favors.”

“Little things, sure, like when you asked me to pick up baby stuff for Miss Maggie or help with your taxes, but when it comes to life stuff you’re so self-sufficient.” Kori paused. “And I’m always boring you with the stuff that I’m going through.”

Hadley considered. “I guess I’ve been focused on finishing my degree and haven’t thought much beyond that. Plus, it’s not like I have a social life to speak of.”

Kori waved her hands. “Forget all that. Tell me what’s going on.”

Embarrassment over her early-morning encounter with Liam hadn’t faded one bit. Her skin continued to tingle in the aftermath of his touch while other parts of her pulsed with insistent urgency. The only thing that kept her from quitting on the spot was that he’d been asleep when he’d slid his hand beneath her clothes.

“Oh my goodness,” Kori exclaimed in awe. “You’re blushing.”

Hadley clapped her hands over her cheeks. “Am I?”

“What happened?”

“Waldo got out of my room last night when I got up for Maggie’s feeding, and when I tracked him down, he was in Liam’s room, curled up right here.” Hadley indicated where her cat had been on Liam’s anatomy.

“You said he isn’t a cat person. Was he mad?”

“He was asleep.”

Kori began to laugh. “So what happened?”