Page 24 of Nanny Makes Three

“So why’d you give it up?” From the way Liam’s expression turned to stone, she could tell her question had touched on something distasteful. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry. Forget I said anything.”

“No, it’s okay. A lot of people have asked me that question. I’ll tell you what I tell them. After my grandfather died, I discovered how much time it takes to run Wade Ranch.”

She suspected that was only half of the reason, but she didn’t pry anymore. “Any chance your brother, Kyle, will come back to Texas to help you?”

“No.” Liam’s answer was a clipped single syllable and discouraged further questions. “I’m finding a balance between ranch business as a whole and the horse side that I love. Last summer I hired a sales manager for the cattle division. I think you met Emma Jane. She’s been a terrific asset.”

She had terrific assets, Hadley thought wryly. The beautiful blonde was memorable for many reasons, not the least of which was the way her eyes and her body language communicated her interest in Liam. That he’d seemed oblivious had surprised Hadley. Since when did a man who enjoyed having beautiful women around not notice one right beneath his nose?

Maybe becoming a father had affected him more than Hadley had given him credit for.

Liam continued, “But it’s not like having someone I could put in charge of the entire operation.”

Obviously Liam was stretched thin. Maybe that’s why he’d been looking so lighthearted these last few days. The break from responsibility would do him good.

Forty minutes after they’d left the airport, Liam drove up a steep driveway and approached a sprawling home right at the base of the mountain.

“We’re staying here?” Hadley gawked at the enormous house.

“I told you there was enough room for you and Maggie.” He stopped the SUV beside a truck and shot her a broad smile. “Let’s get settled in and then head into town for dinner. It’s a quarter mile walk if you think Maggie would be okay.”

“We can bundle her up. The fresh air sounds lovely.” The temperature hovered just above freezing, but it was sunny and there wasn’t any wind, so Hadley was comfortable in her brand-new ski jacket and winter boots.

A tall man in his midsixties with an athletic bounce to his stride emerged from the house and headed straight for Liam. “Mr. Wade, how good to have you with us again.”

“Hello, Ben.” The two men shook hands, and Liam turned to gesture to Hadley, who’d unfastened Maggie from her car seat and now walked around to the driver’s side. “This is Ms. Stratton and Maggie.”

“Ivy mentioned you were bringing family with you this year. How nice.”

The vague reference to family disturbed Hadley. Why couldn’t Liam just admit that he had a daughter? He obviously loved Maggie. What blocked him from acknowledging her as his? This flaw in his character bothered Hadley more than it should. But it was none of her business. And it wasn’t fair that she expected more of him. Liam was her employer. She had no right to judge.

“Nice to meet you, Ben,” she said.

While Liam and Ben emptied the SUV of luggage and ski equipment, Hadley carried Maggie inside and passed through the two-story foyer to the large living room. The whole front of the house that faced the mountain was made up of tall windows.

“There’s a nice room upstairs for you and Maggie.” Liam came over to where she stood staring at the mountain range. “Ben said he was able to get a crib set up in there.”

Hadley followed Liam up a broad staircase. At the top he turned right. The home sprawled across the hillside, providing each bedroom with a fantastic view. The room Hadley and Maggie were to share was at the back of the house and looked west, offering views of both mountains and the town. At four in the afternoon, the sun was sliding toward the horizon, gilding the snow.

“Is this okay?”

“It’s amazing.” The room was large by Hadley’s standards, but she guessed it was probably the smallest the house offered. Still, it boasted a queen-size bed, plush seating for two before the enormous picture window and a stone fireplace that took up most of the wall the bed faced. The crib had been set up in the corner nearest to the door that led to the hall.

“I’m next door in case you need me.”

Her nerves trumpeted a warning at his proximity. Not that there was any cause for alarm. She and Liam had been sleeping down the hall from each other for almost two weeks.

Plus, it wasn’t as though they would be alone. Tomorrow, five others would be joining them, and from the way Liam described past years, the men would be occupied with cards, drinking and conversation late into the night.

“What time should I be ready to leave for dinner?”

“I think we won’t want to have Maggie out late. What if we leave here in an hour?”

“I’ll have both of us ready.”

* * *

With Maggie snug in her new winter clothes and Hadley dressed for the cold night air in a turtleneck sweater and black cords, they came downstairs to find Liam waiting in the entry. He held Hadley’s insulated jacket while she slid her feet into warm boots and then helped her into the coat. The brush of his knuckles against her shoulders caused butterflies to dance in her stomach. The longing to lean backward against his strong chest was so poignant, Hadley stopped breathing.