Page 14 of Nanny Makes Three

Liam walked around the kitchen, swaying with each stride to soothe the infant. He’d been at this for ten minutes when Hadley entered the room. She’d left her hair down tonight, and the pale gold waves cascaded over the shoulders of her earth-tone blanket coat. The weather had turned chilly and wet in the early evening, and Hadley had dressed accordingly in jeans and a dark brown turtleneck sweater.

“Have you already fed her?” Hadley approached and held her hands out for the baby. She avoided meeting his gaze as she said, “I can take her while you eat.”

“Maggie and I are doing fine.” The baby gave a little burp as if in agreement. “Why don’t you fix yourself a plate while I give her the rest of her bottle? I can eat after you’re done.”

Hadley looked as if she wanted to argue with him, but at last gave a little nod. “Sure.”

While he pretended to be absorbed in feeding Maggie, Liam watched Hadley, thinking about their early-morning encounter and wondering if that accounted for her skittishness. Had he done more while asleep than she’d let on? The thought brought with it a rush of heat. He bit back a smile. Obviously his subconscious had been working overtime.

“Look, about this morning—” he began, compelled to clear the air.

“You were sleeping.” Hadley’s shoulders drooped. “I intruded. I swear I won’t let Waldo get out again.”

“Maybe it’s not good for him to be cooped up all the time.”

“My apartment is pretty small. Besides, you don’t like cats.”

“What makes you say that?” Liam had no real opinion either way.

Hadley crossed her arms over her chest and gave him the sort of stern look he imagined she’d give a disobedient child. “You suggested I put him in the barn.”

“My grandfather never wanted animals in the house, so that’s what I’m used to.”

“The only time Waldo has been outside was after the house where he lived was destroyed by the tornado. He spent a month on his own before someone brought him to Royal Haven, where I adopted him. He gets upset if I leave him alone too long. That’s why I couldn’t stay here without bringing him.”

Talking about her cat had relaxed Hadley. She’d let down her guard as professional caretaker, and Liam found himself charmed by her fond smile and soft eyes. No wonder she had such a magical effect on Maggie. She manifested a serenity that made him long to nestle her body against his and...

Desire flowed through him, brought on by a year of celibacy and Hadley’s beauty. But was that all there was to it? Over the last year, he hadn’t been a hermit. Promoting the ranch meant he’d attended several horse shows, toured numerous farms. Every public appearance provided opportunities to test his resolve, but not one of the women he’d met had tempted him like Hadley.

Liam cleared his throat, but the tightness remained. “Why don’t you bring him down after dinner so he and I can meet properly and then let him have the run of the house?”

“Are you sure?”

He’d made the suggestion impulsively, distracted by the direction his thoughts had taken, but it was too late to change his mind now. “Absolutely.”

The exchange seemed to banish the last of her uneasiness. Unfortunately, his discomfort had only just begun. Maggie had gone still in his arms, and Liam realized she was on the verge of sleep. Knowing her reflux required her to remain upright for half an hour, he shifted her onto his shoulder and followed Hadley to the kitchen table where he ate most of his meals since his grandfather had died.

“Is somet

hing the matter?” Hadley asked. She’d carried both their plates to the table.

“No, why?”

“You’re frowning.” She sat down across from him. “Do you want me to take Maggie?”

“No, she’s fine.” In less than a week he’d mastered the ability to hold the baby and do other things at the same time. He picked up his fork. “I was just thinking that I haven’t used the dining room much since my grandfather died. Every meal he ate in this house was in there. I find it too big and lonely to use by myself.”

“You could eat there with Maggie.”

“We could eat there with Maggie.”

Her eyes widened briefly before she gave a reluctant nod. “Of course, I would be there to take care of Maggie.”

Liam didn’t think they were on the same page. He’d been thinking of her in terms of companionship. She’d obviously assumed he’d want her as Maggie’s caretaker. Or was she deliberately reminding him of their different roles in the household?

“I promised I’d bring Maggie down to the barn tomorrow for a visit. I’d like you to come with us.” Now that the DNA results had come back indicating that Maggie was Kyle’s daughter, he was eager to introduce her to everyone.

“Of course.” Hadley didn’t sound overly enthusiastic. “She’s a Wade, which means she’s going to be spending a lot of time there.”