Lauren went to the front of the house to greet her truck staff. The three of them stood there with dubious expressions on their faces as they looked around. Since she had already gotten that out of the way, she was prepared to be the enthusiastic leader they needed to make this happen.

“It doesn’t look like much, but it has a ton of potential,” she started. “It hasn’t been used in a while, so we need to start with a good, thorough cleaning. Ed and Javier, why don’t you start with the kitchen. I’ve got a box of cleaning supplies back there already. Amy, help me get the front of the house ready. The rental company is coming with chairs and tables for us to set up in about two hours.”

Everyone set out to do their jobs without question and within a few hours, things really started to take shape. Tables and chairs were delivered and went into their places, and, by lights out, the kitchen was stocked with food, supplies and all the dishes they could possibly need.

“I’ll pick up the menus at the printshop in the morning,” Amy said as she slipped her laptop into her bag. Ed and Javier had already left for the night, hauling out bags of trash and cleaning supplies with them.

“Thank you for all your help,” Lauren said.

“Of course,” Amy said. “No one wants this event to be successful more than I do.”

“And why is that?” Lauren asked, expecting her best friend to say something about seeing her achieve her dream.

Amy smiled and held open the door for the two of them to step out into the parking lot. “So we can work in a building where I don’t have to walk to a gas station down the road every time I have to use the bathroom.”

Lauren chuckled as she locked up the door and walked over to her car. That was more like the Amy she knew. “Think good thoughts for tomorrow,” she said. “We need this to be a success.”

“It will be,” Amy said. “I have no doubt of it.”

She watched her friend get into her car and then did the same. As she pulled out of the lot and headed home, she hoped Amy was right. Because if it wasn’t a success and she was right about Sutton’s real motivations, the end of The Eatery would be the end of their relationship, too.

* * *

Sutton was blown away by how busy The Eatery was tonight. When he pulled up, the parking lot was full and he had to walk a whole block back to the restaurant. Inside, there was a crowd waiting by the door and people at every table. With only an hour left in the service, he couldn’t imagine how much work it would take to feed the remaining customers and wrap things up for the night.

Folks seemed happy to wait, though, and he could guess as to why. Not only was the space filled with the most mouthwatering scents he’d ever smelled, but the room had been completely transformed since the last time he saw it.

It was nothing permanent—it still had the same paint, overhead lighting and carpeting—but everything she could change, she did. For starters, they’d kept the lights off, choosing to light the space with tabletop flameless candles, strands of Edison bulbs overhead and tall lamps in the corners. That hid a multitude of sins. Instead of white linens, each table had either a red, yellow, blue or dark green tablecloth. It might have been all the rental place had available for free on a Saturday night, but Lauren made it work by pairing it with brightly colored posters on the walls and bright yellow-and-red flower arrangements.

If this was what Lauren could do with some donations and a couple of days, he couldn’t wait to see what the real restaurant would be like. He wished he could help it become a reality and perhaps someday he could, but this was a great start and he was proud to have a part in it.

Sutton had done everything he could think of, called in every favor he had to make it happen, and he was thrilled by the result. And honestly, he was thrilled to have something to do with his time. The last few days, he had finally felt like he had some direction again. He’d been drifting without his job at the family business to anchor him. If Lauren hadn’t dropped into his life as both a pleasurable distraction and a fun project to occupy his mind, he was sure he would’ve gone mad by now.

Looking around, Sutton beamed with a sense of pride he hadn’t felt in ages. No, this was more than just something to keep him busy. She was more than just something

to keep him busy. He was helping an amazing woman achieve amazing things. She just needed a little help, a little push. And she was making the most of it.

A few people waiting for a table glanced at Sutton and murmured to one another. It was a common occurrence lately, and he had tried not to let it bother him. But now, the thought crossed his mind that maybe the best thing he could do for Lauren was leave. Sutton had given her a boost, but perhaps taking a step back now would be for the best. He wouldn’t want his family’s tainted reputation to spoil this for her after she’d worked so hard.

Perhaps he could say hello, so she wouldn’t think he blew off her big night, then he would leave.

“Sir, my wait list is full for the night, so we’re not taking any more names.”

Sutton turned to the young woman who’d been hired as hostess for the night. From the weary expression on her face, he wasn’t the first one she’d had to turn away this evening. “That’s okay, I’m not staying. I’m just going to go in back and give the chef a kiss, if you don’t mind.”

The woman’s eyes widened for a minute, and then she smiled. “Oh, you must be Mr. Wingate. Chef Roberts said you could go on back to the kitchen whenever you arrived. She also said to get you a table no matter how busy, so just give me a moment and I’ll see what I can do.”

“There’s no need,” he said. “Let the others have it.” He would much rather leave a table for someone who hadn’t yet discovered the brilliance of Lauren’s cooking. He was already a huge fan of hers in more ways than one.

“You’re sure? Her beef Wellington has been earning rave reviews tonight.”

“I’m sure it has, but I’ll have the chance to try it another time. Thank you.” He made his way through a maze of tables to the swinging door that separated the dining room from the kitchen. Before he could reach it, it swung open and Lauren herself stepped out with a plate in each hand.

“Sutton!” she said in surprise.

She looked excited and exhausted all at once, but she grinned when she saw him. A strand of chestnut hair had escaped her bun, so he reached out and tucked it behind her ear. He’d only intended to lean in and give her a quick kiss on the cheek, but he found himself cupping her face in his hands and planting a firm, warm kiss on the lips that promised more to come later.

Lauren seemed dazed and flushed for a moment as she clutched the plates in her hands. “I’m glad to see you, too,” she replied with a sassy grin curling her lips.