“Wait for me in the bed and I’ll be right back,” he said, giving her a playful slap on the behind as he walked away.

Lauren sauntered slowly to the bed, knowing he was watching her. She slipped off her bra and panties, fully nude at last, and then pushed aside the steel-gray comforter before she crawled onto the soft, welcoming bed.

When she was settled in, he tossed aside the last of his own clothing and disappeared into his bathroom. He returned a moment later with a handful of foil packets in his hand. Her eyes widened as she tried to count how many, but gave up when he tossed them into a pile on the nightstand.

Lauren crawled to the edge of the bed and perched on her knees as he stood beside it. She ran her hands over him again, toying with his chest hair and following the line of it down his stomach with her fingertips. At that point, her cheeks flushed. His desire for her was fully on display in the well-lit room. Her palms tingled with the need to stroke him, but he was just out of her reach. She knew she would get in trouble again if she pushed it.

As if he sensed her devious thoughts, he took a step back. Sutton flipped on the lamp on the dresser, killing the overhead fixture. The harsh glare disappeared, casting them in a dim, romantic glow. He returned to her then, pressing forward until she tumbled backward on the mattress and he was covering her body with his.

The heat and the weight of him against her bare skin was soothing. When he dipped his head to kiss her, the fall nip in the air seemed to disappear. His touch heated the very blood in her veins, the spreading warmth amplifying with every pound of her heart in her chest. She relished the slide of his tongue along hers. His every caress was expertly targeted to her most sensitive parts as though he’d managed to memorize her body in that single night together.

When his thumb brushed over the hard peak of her nipple, Lauren gasped. Then he sucked it into the scorching heat of his mouth and her back arched sharply off the bed. He was relentless in his pleasurable assault, teasing her with his teeth and tongue even as his hands glided down her hip and dipped between her thighs.

“Sutton!” she cried as he made explosive contact with her feminine center.

He lifted his head and looked down at her. “Say it again,” he demanded with his hand still slowly circling over her flesh.

“Sutton,” she repeated with a desperate edge in her voice.

“I love the sound of my name on your lips. I’m going to make you scream it all night, if I have any say about it.”

He smothered her response when he kissed her again. His tongue echoed the movements of his hand, slowly sliding in and out of her mouth. She squirmed beneath him, panting as he drew her ever closer to the edge of her release, again and again, always backing away before she shattered.

Then Sutton reached for the condoms he’d left on the nightstand. He sat back on his knees to roll the latex sheath over himself, then slipped back between her thighs. His mouth found hers again and with a subtle shift of his weight, he was pressing against her entrance. But there he stopped.

A whimper of disappointment caught in her throat. Lauren couldn’t wait any longer for him. She cradled Sutton’s hips between her thighs. Impatiently, she gripped his hips and drew him forward. He moved with her and, before she knew it, she got what she wanted. Every thick inch of Sutton was buried deep inside of her. The moment was everything she’d remembered it to be and more with the visual of him hovering over her.

Sutton eased back and thrust into her a second time with a sharp hiss. Lauren lifted her hips, taking in all that she could. Her body strained and flexed around him, her muscles tightening their grip until he groaned into her throat.

Leaning down, he kissed her and started moving at a quicker pace. Eventually, Lauren had to tear her lips from his so she could cry out with each pleasurable drive into her.

They fell into an easy rhythm, her hips rising off the bed to meet his every advance. The pleasure easily built up inside her again, this time with more intensity than before. She clawed futilely with her nails at the blankets beneath her. Trying with all her might to find something to hold on to, something to keep her anchored when her orgasm hit like a tidal wave.

And she was almost there. She closed her eyes as her whole body tensed and her whimpers increased in intensity.

“Yes,” Sutton coaxed, seeming to recognize the familiar sounds of her impending release. “That’s it. Don’t hold back, Lauren. I want to watch you come apart this time.”

He increased his pace and it pushed her over the edge. The waves of pleasure crashed in on her all at once, wracking her body with the pulsating sensations. She gasped and cried his name, writhing beneath him. And when it was all over, she opened her eyes and found that he’d watched every moment of her undoing.

“You’re beautiful,” he said, looking down at her.

She didn’t feel beautiful. Especially not at the moment. She’d come here straight from a long day at the food truck without a stitch of makeup on and her hair in its usual bun. Her orgasm had no doubt left her flushed and sweaty, her lips were swollen from his kisses and her cheeks felt a little raw from the rough stubble of his jaw on her delicate skin. She wrinkled her nose, smirking dismissively at his observation.

“No,” he argued, dipping down to kiss her forcefully and erase the disagreement from her lips. “It’s true. You’re beautiful. And talented. And amazing in every way I can think of. And since it’s my opinion, I’m not arguing with you about any of it.”

At that, Lauren laughed and pushed some stray hair out of her face. “You’ve spent your whole life surrounded by rich debutantes who spend all their time in expensive salons and day spas to stay flawless. Some of those women I saw at the club looked like movie stars up close.”


Her eyes widened and she swallowed hard. How could it be possible that she ranked up there with women like that? It was a nice sentiment, but too hard for her to believe.

“And... I don’t know that I’m in their league.”

“You’re not. You’re in a league of your own.”

Lauren could only shake her head.