But with Ezekiel and his family feverishly working to salvage what was left of Wingate Enterprises, that time might be reduced as she needed to look for a job. She refused to just stand by while her husband exhausted himself to support her.

An agenda other than love might’ve been behind their marriage, but she meant what she’d told Beth earlier. For better or worse. And though their union had a time limit, she would stand beside him for however long she wore his last name.


Climbing from the car, she shut the door behind her and strode up the short walk to the front door.

“Reagan,” someone called behind her.

Lowering the key she’d been about to slide into the door, Reagan turned and smiled as Piper Holloway, Ezekiel’s aunt, approached her, carrying a large brown-paper-covered parcel.

“Here, let me get that for you,” Reagan said, hurrying toward the other woman.

But Piper laughed. “No need. I’m fine. Believe me, running an art gallery as many years as I have has given me muscles you probably can’t see.” Reaching Reagan, she leaned over and brushed an airy kiss over her cheek. “I have a little housewarming gift for you and my sneaky nephew.” She tsked, shaking her head. “Running off to get married without a word to any of us. If I wasn’t so happy for both of you, I’d be more than a little upset I didn’t get to stand beside you two on your wedding day.”

“It was a little spur-of-the-moment, otherwise I know he would’ve wanted you there,” Reagan murmured. It was true. While Ava Wingate could be a little standoffish, her younger sister Piper was incredibly open and warm. Harley, at least, had preferred her aunt’s company and easy affection to her mother’s frequent criticism. “And thank you for the gift. You didn’t have to travel all the way from Dallas to bring it.”

“My pleasure. I wanted to congratulate you two in person anyway.”

“Well, I know Zeke will be pleased to see you,” Reagan said, turning back to the door and unlocking it. “Come on in.”

She stepped back and allowed Piper to enter first. “Hey, Zeke, I’m back,” Reagan announced, shutting the door behind her. “Look who I found outside—” She drew to a halt, spying that Ezekiel wasn’t alone. “Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know you had company.”

“Hey, sweetheart,” Ezekiel greeted, striding forward. He pressed a quick kiss to her lips, then, removing the package from his aunt’s grasp, drew her in for a one-armed hug. Reagan’s lips tingled, and she forced herself not to touch them. Part of the show, she reminded herself. It’s all for show. “Aunt Piper, I didn’t know you were coming over.”

“I’m that impolite guest that just drops by unannounced,” she joked, wrapping an arm around her nephew’s waist and squeezing.

Ezekiel chuckled. “Never impolite or unwelcome. Have you met Brian Cooper?” He turned toward the tall, dark-haired man standing next to the living room couch. “Reagan, Aunt Piper, this is Brian Cooper, an attorney from the Dallas area. His uncle is Keith Cooper.”

Surprise winged through Reagan at that bit of news. Why would Keith’s nephew be here at their home? Especially considering how Ezekiel felt about the man his aunt Ava had moved in with.

“Brian,” Ezekiel went on, “I’d like to introduce you to my wife, Reagan, and my aunt, Piper Holloway.”

“It’s nice to meet you both.” Brian crossed the small room and shook hands with both of them.

Although, his gaze lingered on Piper.


With sharpened interest, Reagan studied the other man and woman. Piper, slim, tall, with her edgy, short cut and dark green eyes, was an older, beautiful, sophisticated woman. And apparently Brian, who couldn’t look away from her, seemed to agree. They did make a striking couple. And from the way Piper tried—and failed—not to study the younger man from under her dark lashes, she had to notice how handsome the attorney with the athletic build was.

As if he could sense her thoughts, Brian glanced at her, and Reagan arched an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. “So you’re from Dallas, too?” she asked. “Piper owns one of the most influential and prestigious art galleries there.”

“Holloway Gallery downtown?” Brian asked Piper.

“Yes, that’s me,” Piper acknowledged. “Have you been in before?”

“Yes, I’ve been to a couple of shows there.” He slid his hands into the front pockets of his pants. “The gallery isn’t far from my office. Maybe we could get together for a cup of coffee soon.”

“We’ll see,” she murmured, then switched her attention to her nephew. “Since I didn’t get an invite to the wedding—and don’t think I’m letting you off the hook for that anytime soon—I brought by a painting for your new home.”

The next half hour flew by, and when Piper and Brian left, Reagan closed the door behind them, then whipped around to face Ezekiel.

“I think your friend has a crush on your aunt,” she teased.

He snorted. “I hate it for him if he does, because even I felt that brush-off.”

“Yeah, it was kind of obvious. Why do you think she did? Piper tried to hide it, but she kept peeking at him.” Reagan frowned. “You think maybe she’s self-conscious about the age difference? Which is silly. He is younger, but she’s a gorgeous, vivacious and successful woman. Any man, regardless of age, would be lucky to have her look their way.”