His mom halted what she was going to say as Chloe came into the room.

“Good morning, everyone.”

Miles watched as Chloe halted in her steps and looked at each of them in turn. It was obvious she could feel the tension in the air.

“I think I might have my breakfast on the patio, today,” she announced with a forced smile.

“Thank you, Chloe,” Ava said graciously. “The boys and I have some business to discuss.”

“Of course,” Chloe replied brightly. She made up a bowl of cereal and milk and grabbed an apple from the bowl on the sideboard. “Let me know if you need me,” she directed at Miles.

He nodded in response. He wished, more than anything, that he could join her outside in the morning air. Summer mornings like this had always been his favorites when he still lived at home.

“We won’t be long,” he said firmly, letting his mother and brother know that he wasn’t about to be dragged into a day-long discussion about the whys and wherefores of what they were going to do next.

After Chloe had left the room, he faced them both. “Look, there’s nothing more I can do from here. I can support you just as well from my office in Chicago. I think Chloe and I should head back. Today, if possible.”

“No, please reconsider,” Ava pleaded. “Zeke and Reagan’s engagement party is tomorrow night. At least stay until then. You know Zeke would appreciate it, and it’s vital we continue to show a united front as a family.”

And there it was, his mother’s not-so-subtle form of pressure when it came to family obligations. With everything that had been happening, Miles had forgotten about his cousin’s recent engagement.

“I’ll speak with Chloe and let you know what we decide.”

“Surely you can answer for the girl.”

Miles pinned his mother with a look. “I wouldn’t be so presumptuous. She was kind enough to travel here with me, and I will be courteous enough to check with her about our plans for our departure home.”

“This is your home.”

“It might have been once, Mom, but it isn’t anymore. I made another life for myself in Chicago a long while ago. One you’re actually welcome to see if you’d come to visit. I have a guest room for you, should you ever decide to do that. We’re quite civilized up there, you know—hot and cold running water and all that. We even have theaters.”

He smiled to soften his words but he could see his words had struck the right chord. His mom was too used to calling the shots with her kids the way she called the shots in business. There were times in the past when they’d all wanted a bit more motherly compassion from her. Thankfully, they’d had that from their aunt Piper, who was nineteen years Ava’s junior. Piper had been raised by Ava after their parents died and was far more maternal than her older sister. But Ava’s stubborn belief that the fact Miles had made a new life for himself away from the family was merely a temporary aberration drove him crazy. Would she ever accept he was an adult capable of making his own choices?

“Maybe I’ll visit when things settle here a little,” Ava hedged.

“And if things don’t settle?” Sebastian asked bluntly.

“Let’s not borrow trouble. We’re a strong family and we have powerful connections. Don’t ever discount that. We’ll get through this, and we’ll be even better than before.”

Miles could only hope she was right. Wishing for it was one thing, but with the writing on the wall and no way to conduct their own investigation without drawing unwelcome attention to their activities, he had the feeling she was clutching at straws.

* * *

Miles finally extricated himself from the meeting with Ava and his brothers and went outside to find Chloe. He was relieved to see she was still out on the patio by the pool. He plonked himself down on the chair beside her and sighed heavily.

“Everything okay?” she asked, reaching out to put her hand on his arm.

Beneath her touch he felt himself begin to calm. He was learning to appreciate that about her. Her touch could do so many things to him and for him. Incite his senses or soothe them, as she was doing now.

“Yes and no.”

“Care to explain?”

“Yes, because I’m with you now. No, because my family is facing a truckload of trouble.”

“To do with the fire?”

“Among other things.” He shook his head. He didn’t want to discuss it but understood that Chloe might be curious, and he didn’t want to shut her out completely. “This is going to be made public at some stage, but for now I can’t tell you more than this. The WinJet plant won’t be operating for a while. The investigation has led to it being frozen until certain factors have either been proven or otherwise.”