“So I’m your first?”

“So to speak, yes.”

She let out a long breath. “Wow. Thank you, I think.”

“No need to thank me. I always knew the right person would come along at the right time. I just never expected that to be on the path at Lincoln Park, is all.”

She laughed but he could sense a restraint in her that wasn’t there before. Miles reached out and took her hand in his.

“No pressure, Chloe. We can take this at your pace. You can even tell me you never want to see me again. I’ll accept it. Not happily, but I will survive. But I think that what we have is something special. Something worth exploring. I feel like I have a connection to you.” He shook his head. “Listen to me, I sound like something out of a romantic movie. I don’t want this to come across as clichéd, but I mean what I said. And I hope you still want to spend the next few days with me.”

* * *

This was the time to do it. The time she needed to come clean and tell Miles exactly why they’d bumped into one another. The thing was, she didn’t want to destroy this incredibly special and potentially fragile thing they had going. It was clear he had nothing to do with the Wingate fortune and, from what she’d seen so far, little to do with his family, either. They didn’t come up in general conversation in the way of people who actually spent time in their siblings’ company. So, even if she did tell him, would that damage what they had going?

She stared into Miles’s intense green eyes and asked herself if she could risk shattering their fledgling relationship, and the answer was a resounding no. He was different than any other man she’d ever dated. And he wanted her. Really wanted her. That was a feeling she’d never experienced before. Most of the other men she’d gone out with had always kept themselves aloof, except if they’d wanted sex.

Maybe part of that had been her fault. Choosing men who were commitment-shy because deep down Chloe was afraid to trust completely, or to give herself to another without restraint. Losing her dad and seeing how his death had affected her mom had left deep emotional scars. Loving someone so completely was scary. There had always been something lacking in her previous relationships—whether it was her partners’ fault, or her own. But now, even after this impossibly short time, she knew exactly what that something was. Intimacy and commitment. And Miles appeared to be prepared to give both those things to her.

“Don’t think you can scare me away so easily,” Chloe said, deliberately keeping her tone light even though what they were discussing was 100 percent serious. “I absolutely want to spend today and the weekend with you. And I hope our friendship won’t stop there, Miles. Besides, who else is going to cook me eggs like these?”

She saw him visibly relax and realized, with some relief, that she’d struck just the right note.

“Well, aside from Martha, who retired several years ago and who lives in Texas, there isn’t anyone who can cook eggs just like these, so it looks like we’re stuck with each other. In the best possible way, of course.”

She couldn’t help the grin that spread across her face. She really liked how he spoke seriously one minute, then resorted to humor the next. This was going to be a very provocative weekend. But, it occurred to her, today was only Friday.

“Don’t you have work today?”

He shrugged. “One of the perks of being the head honcho. I can delegate, and I did. I rang my office while you were in the shower. They’ll manage just fine without me for a day. I want to give you my full attention, get to know you better. You know, the usual stuff people do when they like each other.”

Like? She had no doubt she was in danger of more than liking him. And she suspected he felt the same way. The novelty of that was incredibly refreshing.

“That sounds like fun. I’d like that. Have you thought about what we might do today, aside from pick up a change of clothing for me, that is?”

She plucked at the lapels of his robe. When she’d put it on she’d caught the faint whiff of his cologne and it had done crazy things to her insides. She had felt like a giddy schoolgirl wearing her boyfriend’s sweater for the very first time. It was ridiculous, really, and yet it had left her feeling as if her blood fizzed in her veins. She was looking forward to spending time with him far more than she’d anticipated.

“I thought we could go for a stroll around the aquarium then maybe head to Navy Pier? You up for that?”

“Fish followed by carnival rides? You bet!”

“So, did you want to think about that a little?” he teased with a laugh.

“Absolutely not. I hardly ever got to do things like that as a kid, so you can be sure I’ll make the most of the day. How about I clean up here in the kitchen while you shower and get dressed. Then we can get started.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Miles answered. He leaned over and kissed her briefly on the mouth. “I really like your enthusiasm, but you’re really bad for my work ethic. That’s twice now this week I’ve played hooky to be with you.”

She felt a dip in her tummy. “Is that okay? I mean, you said you’re the boss and all, but can you afford to be away from work this much?”

He kissed her again. “Don’t worry. I have an excellent team working for me. Sometimes I feel quite redundant around the place.”

“Okay, then. If you’re sure.”

“I’m sure,” he confirmed.

“Fine. Now hurry up and get ready so we can go and have some fun.”

* * *