“You don’t find that intimidating?”

She smiled in return. “Not at all. I’m a girl who enjoys a challenge. Let’s see how many of these you have left by morning.”

Chloe quickly tore a packet open and sheathed him before lifting her body higher and positioning herself over his erection. She slowly lowered herself, taking him deeper and deeper. The sensation of his shaft against her still-tingling and sensitive core made her insides clench and she relished the sound of his groan as she tightened around him. Miles slid his hands along her thighs and up to her hips. She tilted her pelvis so his length slid a little deeper and rocked there.

“Oh, you’re a torment,” he said on a harshly blown out breath.

“You haven’t seen anything yet,” she crooned, then proceeded to show him exactly what she meant.

By the time he was shuddering into his own climax, Chloe was a beat away from another spine-tingling orgasm, and as she gave herself over to the sheer joy of it and collapsed against his bod

y in paroxysms of delight, she knew that as far as Miles Wingate was concerned, revenge was the last thing on her mind.


Physically, he was exhausted, and yet he’d never felt more energized in his life. Miles turned his head on the pillow and looked at the woman responsible for his current state. Blond hair tangled against the pillowcase and a sweep of lashes lay on her flushed cheeks as she slept deeply. And so she ought to, he thought. They’d spent the better part of the night discovering exactly what brought one another pleasure and, since there was only one condom left, he’d have to make another trip to the drugstore, he noted with a wicked grin.

“What are you smiling about?” she asked with one blue eye open.

“Your willingness to take on a challenge,” he answered, rolling onto his side so he could better appreciate the view of her naked body.

The top sheet and comforter had hit the floor somewhere around 4:00 a.m. and the warm glow of the morning sunshine gilded her skin like a lover’s caress. Like his caress, he realized. They’d become lovers in every sense of the word last night. And here she was, still in his bed. No sneaky dawn exit. No regrets. Nothing but a sense of well-being he’d never known before.

He’d thought she was special from the moment they’d met, and he hadn’t wanted to leave her to her own devices. But during the night he’d begun to grasp just how special she truly was. He’d heard of people embarking on whirlwind romances before, but he’d never thought it would happen to him. He was far too focused, too pragmatic to fall for flights of fancy. So if this wasn’t a romantic whim, what was it?

“Well, I think even I have hit my limit when it comes to challenges,” she said on a yawn.

“It’s always good to know your limits,” he drawled, tracing a finger over the delicate curve of her shoulder and down her arm. “How’s your wrist today?”

“A bit achy to be honest.”

“Then let me take care of you.”

And he did, slowly, deliberately and carefully as if he was making love to a figurine made of spun glass. There was something to be said for fast and frenzied, but then again taking it slow made everything all the more poignant and special. Every breath shared, every touch, every ripple of sensation through their bodies was experienced a thousandfold times deeper—as if they were making love on an emotional level as well as the physical. As if they were irrevocably bonding together in a way he’d never known with another.

When their climaxes came, they were in total sync. And instead of the intense rocket of satisfaction that was normal for him, he felt his pleasure spread through his entire body, growing stronger and deeper with each beat of his heart before ending on a starburst of sensation that almost brought tears to his eyes. He spied a telltale trail of moisture leaking from the corners of Chloe’s eyes and knew it had been equally special for her. Gathering her into his arms, he rolled them both onto their sides as they waited for their heart rates to return to normal.

“Spend the day with me,” he said.

Oh sure, he knew he should have phrased it as a question—that would have been the polite thing to do—but it would have given her a choice.

And he couldn’t bear the thought of her saying no.

“I don’t have any clothes, or are you suggesting I won’t need any?”

He laughed. He really loved the way Chloe responded to him. Then he realized, in her own way, she’d acquiesced to his demand and a burst of sheer joy ballooned in his chest.

“We can go back to your place. Maybe you could pack a bag. Stay the whole weekend with me?”

This time he made it sound like a question and it wasn’t until she nodded and said yes that he realized just how much he’d hoped for her affirmative answer.

“Why don’t you go shower. There’s a robe behind the bathroom door you can borrow. I’ll make us some breakfast and then we can head out to your place.”

“Sounds good. You don’t want to join me in the shower?”

“I have the feeling that if I do we might both not be capable of walking afterward,” he said with a grin. “Besides, we’re out of condoms.”

She laughed and got out of the bed. “There are other options,” she murmured slyly.