She held up the bandaged appendage. “Much better today, thanks.”

“And the phone? It meets your needs?”

“Perfectly, thank you.”

They were at the car and he reached for the door, holding it open for her as she lowered herself to the passenger seat and drew her legs in. He tried not to stare but the sight of those long, slender, bare legs sent another jolt of pure male appreciation spearing through his body. He wished he knew her well enough that he could suggest skipping the show tonight and cutting straight to dessert at his place instead. But he appreciated there was a process to follow when it came to courting.

Was he courting her? he wondered as he closed her door and walked around to the driver’s side of the car. It was such an old-fashioned term. Certainly not one he’d ever considered in any of his previous relationships. But then again, he’d never felt about anyone the way he already felt about Chloe. The need to understand her and to share her thoughts and dreams had sneaked into his mind several times each hour of his working day. He’d always been able to compartmentalize before. Work life, personal life. They were two distinctly separate things. But when it came to this woman, everything was different.

By the time they reached the club, they’d covered every inane subject under the sun from Chicago’s public transport system to the current state of public school education in Illinois. She was a passionate advocate for her kids, he noticed, and he envied her students in some ways. To be the recipient of her love of teaching combined with a keen interest in the world around her that he knew would light fires of curiosity in many of her students, would be a precious gift indeed.

Miles got out of the car at the valet parking station and went round to the other side. Chloe’s door had already been opened for her and she was waiting on the sidewalk.

“I’ve heard about this place. Do you come here often?” she asked.

Miles nodded. “I love it. The atmosphere inside is second to none, and they always have great artists. We’re ahead of most of the crowd. I considered taking you somewhere else for dinner but they do great meals here, too.”

“Good,” she answered as she took his arm and they carried on inside the building. “’Cause I’m starved.”

“You look like you hardly eat at all,” he teased. “Or did you just save all your appetite for me?”

She stumbled slightly and he steadied her. She looked him square in the eye. “Oh, I’ve saved my appetite. I’ve learned never to let opportunity pass me by.”

Miles couldn’t help but wonder at the double entendre in her words.

“Is that what I am? An opportunity?” he probed.

“Well, that remains to be seen, doesn’t it?” she replied coyly.

Miles decided to shelve that train of thought for another time as the hostess came forward to greet them. She showed them to a cozy, private table for two, which also had a great view of the stage.

“Can I get you both a drink before I send your waiter across with menus?” the woman asked.

“Sure, I’m in the mood to celebrate,” Miles said, turning toward Chloe. “How about you? Champagne to mark our first date?”

A huge smile spread across her face. “Champagne? Really? We might hate each other by the end of the night.”

“Somehow, I doubt that. Besides, I’ve learned that you have to take time to stop and celebrate every facet of life. I think tonight is a good place to start.”

* * *

He’d surprised her. Again. She thought she’d done her background search on him quite thoroughly, but he continued to deviate from the type of character she thought he really was. She decided it was time to probe a little deeper.

After their champagne had been brought and poured, Miles handed her a glass, then held up his in tribute.

“To you,” he said simply.

Chloe felt a blush rise on her cheeks and bent her head in acknowledgment. No one had ever toasted her before. Not when she’d graduated college, not when she’d secured her first permanent teaching position—never. It was quite a rush, she decided, having someone appreciate you so openly. She took a sip of the golden, sparkling liquid in her glass and enjoyed the fizz on her tongue as she swallowed a mouthful. Oh yes. She could get used to this. But then again, wouldn’t she have been used to this if it hadn’t been for the Wingate family in the first place?

She wondered when the last time was that her mother had enjoyed something as simple as a glass of imported wine. In fact, when was the last time her mother had enjoyed anything? Chloe racked her brain and was shocked to discover that she barely remembered the last time she’d seen her mother smile, let alone laugh or simply bask in the joy of a sunny day. Loretta Fitzgerald’s entire life had become a bitter circle of distrust and regret. Which was precisely why Chloe was even here in the first place. She wasn’t supposed to be enjoying herself, and yet she couldn’t help but relish the attention Miles showed her, or the way he could coax a chuckle from her when she least expected it.

“Why so pensive?” he asked. “We’re celebrating, remember?”

“Oh, family stuff. You know what it’s like.”

Oh no, she thought. Had she just let slip that she knew more about his family than she ought to know?

“Families. Can’t live with ’em, can’t live without ’em,” he said with a tone of inevitability she hadn’t heard from him before. “I chose to move away from mine. It was too hard trying to always live up to expectations that were unreasonable and didn’t take into account my own dreams for the future. I guess that makes me the black sheep of my lot.”