“I’ll agree with that,” James said with a grin.

“Well, I’m going to be needing a couple dozen horses out at my place. I figure you’re the man to see.”

“Great. I can set you up.” James was the top horse breeder in the county, and people came from all over the West to buy his horses. “Come out anytime, look them over and we’ll do a deal.” He paused then said, “Meanwhile, I talked to Burt Wheeler the other day.”

Beth winced and Cam’s features tightened. Neither of them were certain what he’d heard from Burt.

“Yeah, he’s not my biggest fan.”

“He did make that pretty clear,” James confirmed, and let it lie, thank goodness. “But he did say you’re interested in joining the TCC.”

“I am,” Cam said. “And I hear you’re the president now.”

“Guilty as charged,” James replied with another grin. “Anyway, wanted to let you know that I don’t see a problem with your membership at all. Burt might not be happy about it, but I’m looking forward to welcoming you all the way home.”

Cam’s features cleared, and Beth could almost see tension drain out of his body. “Thanks, James. I appreciate it.”

“Not a problem. It’ll be good to have you as a member.” He hugged Beth again and said, “Now, I’m off to find a beer. You guys have fun.”

“Well,” Cam murmured, “that’s one worry off the table.”

“I’m glad for you,” she said, and found she meant it. It was another tie to Royal. Another thing to keep him here, and that was more important to Beth than she would have thought.

The music changed again and this time it was perfect for a two-step. Beth tapped her foot in time and Cam must have noticed.

“The band’s good. You want to see if we’ve still got it?”

She looked up at him and, damn it, smiled. The two-step had always been their dance. They’d even won a couple of contests as kids. “It’s been a long time.”

“Like riding a horse, darlin’,” he assured her, and took her hand, leading her to the wooden dance floor erected for the party.

They took a spot in the crowd. Cam’s right hand was positioned behind her left shoulder, and Beth rested her left arm atop his. His Stetson shaded his eyes, but she saw the shine there anyway and bubbles of pleasure raced through her. A couple of years ago, she never would have guessed that she and Cam would be dancing together again.

And then they were moving, sliding into the steps as if they’d never been apart. He was smooth and easy to follow. Their steps were quick, then slow, and they seemed to glide together effortlessly. When he spun her around she swayed with the movement, then right back again. They moved around the dance floor, part of the crowd yet separate. Their eyes locked and the years fell away.

In a blink, Beth remembered all the nights by the lake with the car radio blasting so they could practice their steps. And she remembered how those practice sessions had always ended in the back seat of her car—or his. Passion-fogged windows had encapsulated them in their own private world as they lost themselves in each other.

She moved with him so seamlessly it was as if she’d been born to be with him. And when the music ended, they danced on, oblivious, until laughter from the crowd woke them from the trance they were in. Cam smiled down at her, and Beth felt her heart take another tumble.

How could she love him so much? How could she risk her heart again? And how could she not?

“Hey, Cam!” They both looked to where Tony was standing at the edge of the dance floor. “If you’re finished, I want you to meet someone.”

“Go,” Beth said, stepping out of his grasp and waving one hand. Grateful for the reprieve, she stepped off the dance floor. She could only take so much magic in one outing. She needed a little space to clear her head, or to hope for clarity, anyway. “I’ll see you later.”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Cam told her, lifting one hand to cup her cheek briefly.

That slight touch sent heat skittering through her, and Beth knew she was in real trouble. She watched him stalk off to meet Tony, then she slipped into the crowd again. When a woman’s hand took hold of her arm as she passed, Beth nearly groaned. She just wanted some time to herself. Maybe under the shade of a tree to help ease the heat crouching inside.

Her aunt Piper gave her a rueful smile. “I saw that performance. You guys still dance together like you were born to it.”

Beth turned to look back at the dance floor, where other couples were moving in tandem to another song.

“Piper,” she said, looking back to the other woman, “I don’t know what I’m doing.”

Her aunt winked. “Looked to me like you did.”

“Dancing? Sure.” Beth laughed a little and hated that it sounded so pitiful even to her own ears. “But everything else? It’s a mystery to me.”