Turning to look at Tony again, he asked, “What do you think of the property?”

The other man’s gaze swept the meadow that was surrounded by oaks before shifting his gaze to Cam. “Honestly, it’s perfect. Are you sure you want to do this?”

“Absolutely,” Cam said, his voice firm enough to convince his friend. “This section is far enough from the main house that your ‘campers’ won’t interfere with the ranch. And it’s close enough that I can ride down here when I get a need for some baseball.”

Tony grinned. “Still miss it, don’t you?”

“I do.” Nodding, he said, “In high school, I was sure you and I would go to college together, then get drafted by the same big-league team. I pictured us playing together for years.”

“Yeah, me too. The best fastball pitcher in Texas with the best damn catcher in the world.”

Cam laughed. “I was the best in Texas, but you got the world?”

Tony laughed, too, and Cam realized how much he’d missed this. Being with people he’d known his whole life. Being in the place where he’d grown up. Had roots. Connections.

“Long-term lease?” his friend asked.

“A hundred dollars a year for fifty years. How’s that sound?”

“Perfect,” Tony said. “Still don’t know why you want to do this, but I’m grateful.” He looked out at the land again and so did Cam. It was as if the two old friends were staring at what would soon be. The dugouts, the fields, the batting cages. The kids, shrieking, laughing, discovering a love for baseball.

With another sigh of satisfaction, Cam said, “I’ll call my lawyers. Get things moving.” He turned his horse’s head toward home, then looked back at Tony, who hadn’t moved.

“You coming?”

“That depends. Any chance you could send a jeep back to get me?”

“Not a single one,” Cam told him with a grin.

“I figured,” Tony said with a half groan. “The things I do for baseball.”

* * *

Beth was waiting on the porch when Cam and Tony rode into the yard. A jolt of electricity seemed to hit him dead center of the chest and left him wondering if he would always react to her like that.

Taking the front steps down to the graveled drive, she waited for them, and in the sunlight her hair looked like gold. Her eyes were hidden behind a pair of oversize sunglasses, and her mouth was firmed into a straight line. She wore cream-colored slacks, an emerald green shirt with short sleeves and a high stand-up collar, and a pair of heeled sandals that displayed toes painted a bright purple. A slight wind lifted her hair off her shoulders and it shone like an aura around her head.

“Beth!” Tony said as he slid gracelessly from his horse. “What’re you doing here?” He shot a look at Cam. “Are you two on again?”

“No,” Beth said before Cam could do it. “Definitely not.”

There was a bite in her voice that hadn’t been there before, and Cam gave her a curious glance. She ignored it.

“I’m just here to help him with some plans for his guest ranch.”

“Uh-huh.” Tony looked from one to the other of them, and the expression on his face said plainly that he didn’t believe that for a second. Cam had always said Tony was a smart man.

Beth shook her head, walked a few steps and hugged Tony. “It’s good to see you, though. What’re you doing here?”

“Getting the land I need for my baseball camp,” he said with a grateful nod at Cam.

“Really?” She looked at Cam, too, and he wished she’d take off the sunglasses so he could get an idea of what she was thinking, feeling. Instead, she kept those feelings hidden from him.

Cam shrugged. “It’s a good deal for both of us.”

“Better for me, not that I’m complaining.” Tony hugged Beth again before letting her go.

It was a bitch to be jealous of your old friend embracing the woman you yourself wanted to be holding.