“No.” Yes.

“We’re both adults,” he continued. “I think we can restrain ourselves. Are you worried?”

That was a direct challenge and she knew it. “Not about me...” He was so close she could have laid her palm on his chest and felt his heart pounding. She could have gone up on her toes and laid her mouth over his. She did neither.

He nodded. “Fine. An amendment to the new bargain. I won’t make a move until you do.”

It was her turn to laugh, though it sounded a little strained, even to Beth. “That’s not going to happen.”

“Then there’s nothing to worry about, is there?”

Oh, there was so much here to worry about. “I guess not.”

“So you’ll do it.”


One corner of his mouth tipped up. “Great. Come out to the ranch tomorrow and I’ll show you what I’m thinking.”

“I can’t be there until afternoon,” she said, mentally flipping through her appointments and obligations.

“That’ll work. I’ve got that Longhorn herd arriving early in the day. I’ll be able to get away by


In spite of her bravado, Beth knew that being around Cam was going to be torture. The memories of his touch, his kiss, were too fresh now. Before he’d returned, those images from fifteen years ago had been watery, misty pictures in her mind. Like a Monet, beautiful but indistinct.

Now everything was crystal clear again. She knew how he felt pressed up against her. The taste of him clung to her lips, and she could nearly feel his strong hands sweeping up and down her spine. Heat coiled inside her, a spring ever tightening, ready to snap. And it wouldn’t take much to push her past the point of no return. So, was this foolish? No doubt. Was she going to do it anyway? Absolutely.

When the door opened behind Cam, Beth jolted, tore her gaze from his and nearly let her internal groan slip out.

Justin McCoy stood there, his gaze fixed on Cam. In a split second, she compared the two men and Justin definitely came up short. He was tall but soft, his belly already a little paunchy. His skin was pale, his eyes a watery blue and he kept his white-blond hair cut short to obscure the fact that he was already losing it. He was a wealthy rancher who never went out on his own land. He had “people” for that.

Looking at the two men now, Beth couldn’t imagine why she’d ever gone out with Justin in the first place. She guessed she’d been lonely enough to take a chance. And she’d known almost from the first that it wasn’t going to be what Justin was hoping for. Once they’d had sex, she was sure of it. There’d been no fire. No flash of desire so overwhelming you couldn’t breathe. No desperation to touch and be touched. Just a mildly interesting half hour that was quickly forgotten.

She’d dated Justin on and off for a while, but called an end to it a few months ago because he wanted a commitment from her that Beth couldn’t give. She didn’t love him and wouldn’t even consider marrying him. Still, Justin wasn’t one to take no for an answer.

“Justin. Hi, this is a surprise.” Not an altogether happy one, either.

“I was over at City Hall,” he said, walking to her side. “Thought I’d stop in and see if I could take you to lunch.”

Beth realized that, although he was talking to her, he was looking at Cam. The two men were practically bristling as they gave each other challenging stares. Best to end this now.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I’m too busy to take lunch today,” she said.

“Is that right?” He was still staring at Cam.

She sighed. “Justin, you remember Camden Guthrie, don’t you? He’s just moved back home recently.”

“Oh,” he said quietly, “I remember him.”

“I was going to say the same thing.” Cam’s features were grim, his voice a low rumble.

“Aren’t you the one who ran off with Burt Wheeler’s daughter, Julie?”

Cam’s jaw tightened and Beth breathed deeply. She had always been able to tell when Cam’s temper was beginning to spike. His eyes were narrowed and flashing out a danger sign.

“I am,” he said. “Aren’t you the one who was kicked off the football team for cheating on your biology exam?”