Not from where she was standing. Just having him in her office was lighting up her insides and making her blood burn and bubble. The way he was standing so stiffly, so obviously filled with tension, told her that he was feeling the burn, too. “You think so?”

“I do. We keep our hands off each other, but hang out, and we’ll get past this...need.”

“Seems risky.”

“I can do it if you can.”

A challenge. He’d always known the way to get to her. Tell Beth she couldn’t do something and she would find a way to accomplish it. “Why couldn’t I? You’re not completely irresistible, Camden.”

That was a lie because, yes, he was. At least he always had been to Beth. But she wouldn’t be admitting to that anytime soon. She still wanted him, and she probably always would. However, she’d learned the hard way a long time ago that want and need didn’t translate into forever. And she wasn’t about to set herself up for more pain.

“If that’s how you really feel,” he said, “then this shouldn’t be a problem for either of us.”

Well, he’d boxed her in neatly there. If she said no, he’d realize that she didn’t trust herself around him. If she said yes, then she was taking a chance she might be sorry for. Yet, what choice did either of them have? They were going to be seeing each other around town for the rest of their lives. If he actually stayed in Royal. Wasn’t it a better idea to learn how to do that without opening up old wounds?

She took a deep breath to steady herself. It didn’t work. “Okay then, we’ll try it your way.”

“Good. Now, on that, I’ve got a plan.”

“Of course you do.”

His mouth curved in a slow smile and flames licked at her core. Oh, this was so not a good idea.

“The word around Royal is that you had a big hand in setting up your family’s offices. You know, not decorating exactly, but—”

At least they were on safe ground here. “You mean designing the interiors for function and style?”

He snorted. “Okay, I wouldn’t have used those words, but yeah. Well, I’d like you to help me out with my project at the ranch.”

Intrigued in spite of everything, Beth felt a tug of interest, but she had to tell him, “I’m not a licensed interior designer, you know.”

“I don’t care about that.” He glanced around her office and then back to her. “You’ve got a good eye, and that would help me out a lot.”

She knew what he saw when he looked at the space she’d created. Beth was proud of her work here and at her brothers’ offices. In her own place, she’d simply taken the space available and made it more her own with the bookcases, tables, chairs and plants that spilled out of brass pots. She didn’t own the building, so she wasn’t able to do all she would have, given the chance. Still, the atmosphere was rich but homey, and put people at ease the moment they walked in.

In her brothers’ offices, though, she’d been able to affect how they were remodeled. Hidden bathrooms, large work area, with window placement to expand the view and the feel of openness. Then the flooring, the paint and the accessories that made an office more personal, less industrial chic.

Beth had to ask, “What exactly did you have in mind?”

“I told you about the dude ranch project I’m going to be setting up.”


He walked farther into the room and looked around. Beth’s gaze followed him and she saw his eyes slide over her desk, the framed family photos, then he turned his gaze back to hers. “I’ve hired Olivia Turner to build a dozen guest cottages to start.”

“To start?”

He gave her an all too brief grin that lit up his eyes. “Yeah. Thought I’d start out small. See how it goes. I can always add more in a year or two if I want to.”

Beth knew the Circle K well, so she was aware that there was more than enough room for what he was planning. And Olivia Turner would do a great job. “How do I fit into all this?”

He leaned one shoulder against the wall, hooked one foot over the other ankle and said, “I was thinking you could work with me. Make those cabins...special. Something out of the ordinary. I want them to stand out from any other outfit like it. Hell, from every other dude ranch in the West. Olivia will build them, but I want her to have some specific ideas to work with.”

She stared up into his eyes and told herself that this would be a mistake. Working closely with him was just too much temptation. But a small voice in her mind whispered if she was going to prove to herself and to Cam that she was well and truly over him, wasn’t this the best way to do it? To be tempted and not surrender? Couldn’t she use this as a lesson for herself? And, yes, she knew she was mentally trying to find a way to do this because it sounded like fun.

“Working together could be dangerous, Cam.”

“No. It’s just the first test in our new bargain.” He pushed away from the wall to stand up straight right in front of her. He looked down at her and said, “Really? You think we can’t control ourselves? Are we still eighteen and full of hormones?”