“What are we going to do about this?” Irritation gave his voice a bite.

“Tell the truth,” Lia said, sending a speaking glance Ethan’s way. “The sooner the better.”

But once they did Lia wouldn’t have a reason to stay in Charleston any longer. He stared at Lia while the conversation at Ethan’s house ran through his mind. The thought of her leaving made him ache.

“Let’s give it a few days,” Paul said. “If we explain about the testing service right now, the timing will look suspicious.”

“I agree.” Ethan nodded. “The damage is already done. A couple more days won’t matter.”

Lia grimaced. “I’m not sure that’s true.”

A significant look passed between Lia and Ethan, turning Paul into an unnecessary third wheel. What happened to the closeness he’d shared with Lia these last few days?

“Am I missing something?” Paul demanded.

“It’s more complicated than you know,” Lia admitted.

“More complicated how?”

“Why don’t you and I grab a drink and I’ll fill you in,” Ethan said. Then, ignoring Paul’s growing impatience, Ethan directed his next words to Lia. “I’ll call you in the morning.”

“Thank you.”

Lia headed for the outside stairs that led to the second-floor terrace and was out of sight before Paul recovered from the bolt of jealousy that shot through him at the easy affection between Ethan and Lia. His resentment even overshadowed the shock of what their grandfather had done.

“What the hell?” Ethan demanded, as they left the house and crunched in the gravel side by side along the garden path on the way to their cars. “Why did you take your frustration out on Lia like that? None of this is her fault.”

Paul grappled with dismay and self-loathing at the way he’d taken his shock and jealousy out on Lia. Although his first reaction to her being included in the will had been suspicion, he knew better. Instead he’d acted like she’d manipulated Grady, forcing Ethan to come to her defense.

But instead of owning his mistake, Paul lashed out. “I told you passing off a perfect stranger as Ava’s daughter was going to blow up in our faces.”

“Fine. You were right as always.” Ethan’s expression shifted into stubborn lines. “Look, fighting isn’t going to do us any good. We need to figure out what to do.”

“It’s obvious we need to come clean to Grady immediately,” Paul declared. “I’ll tell him.”

“We should both tell him,” Ethan said. “It was my idea to let Grady believe she was his granddaughter. You should talk to Lia.” Ethan’s expression softened with pity. “Although after how you behaved just now, I’m not sure she’s ever going to forgive you.”

* * *

After leaving Paul and Ethan, Lia escaped to the solitude of her bedroom, intent on digesting the evening’s events, and ran straight into more trouble. Dallas stood with her back to the windows, her arms crossed over her chest, wearing a scowl of open hostility. As soon as Lia closed the door for privacy, she rushed to reassure the younger woman.

“Please believe that I never meant for any of this to happen,” Lia said, hating the way Dallas’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I had no idea your grandfather was going to do that.”

“This whole thing has gone too far,” Dallas said, her voice an angry lash. “You need to tell everyone the truth.”

“I agree,” Lia assured her. “Ethan and Paul are talking about the best way to handle that right now.”

“I really liked you.” Dallas turned the declaration into an accusation. “I was so happy you were our cousin.”

“The only family I ever had was my mother and since I turned eighteen and struck out on my own, I barely know where she is half the time.” The sharp ache in Lia’s chest made her next words almost impossible to get out. “You have no idea how much I wanted to be part of your family.”

“But you’re not.” Some of Lia’s anguish must have penetrated Dallas’s outrage because her next words were gentler. “And that really sucks.”

“I’m sorry I upset you, but I never meant for anyone to get hurt,” Lia protested, overpowered by loss.

“You should’ve thought about that before you lied.”

Dallas left the bedroom without another word and Lia threw herself facedown on the bed. For several minutes she wallowed in misery while her eyes burned with unshed tears. She’d deserved to be called out for her lies. Lia just wished it didn’t hurt so much.