“You’re right,” she agreed. “I shouldn’t have let Ethan talk me into lying to everyone. I’m sorry. It’s just Ethan was so desperate to help your grandfather. And believing that I’m his granddaughter has made him better.”

Paul watched her expression, determined to see past her guileless facade to the truth. “You’ve done a good job making sure everyone is attached to you.”

Her lashes flickered at his deliberate accusation. “That’s to be expected. They all think I’m their long-lost cousin.” She crossed her arms over her chest and lifted her chin. “Have you decided how you’re going to break the news about me being an imposter?”

Paul forced air through his teeth in a soft hiss. “I’m not sure I can. The truth would crush Grady.”

Her eyebrows went up in surprise. “What are you going to do then?”

“I don’t know.” He needed to discuss the situation with Ethan.

She narrowed her eyes in confusion. “So why did you want to talk to me?”

Why had he wanted to talk to her?


What could he say? That she’d been on his mind the entire time he was gone? That he found her fascinating despite his mistrust? He wanted to know everything about her. And not just because her mysterious background and limited digital footprint awakened his curiosity. Some of her behavior didn’t fall into easily explainable patterns. For example, why did she dress up and visit children in the hospital? Something so altruistic was contrary to how an opportunist would behave. Unless she played on the sympathies of parents with sick children to some end. He’d never know unless he got to know her better.

And then there was the pesky physical attraction she inspired in him. Even now, as his thoughts took him down a somber path, he caught himself admiring her long lashes and wondering if her full lips could possibly be as soft as they looked. Her casual outfit showed off a toned body with soft curves. He imagined framing her slim hips with his hands and pulling her close. Dipping his head and running his lips down her neck to the place where it met her shoulder. Hearing her groan in pleasure as he lifted her against his growing erection and plunged his tongue into her mouth...

“Paul?” she said. “Are you okay?”

His name on her lips shocked him out of his lusty daydream. “No, I’m not okay. You and Ethan have put me in the untenable position of having to lie to Grady.” A slight breeze flowed toward them from the garden, bringing the sweet scent of honeysuckle and cooling the heat beneath his skin.

“I know and I’m sorry.” She put her hand on his arm and the contact seared him through two layers of fabric. “But you won’t have to worry about that for too long. In a couple weeks, as soon as Grady is firmly on the road to a full recovery, we’ll explain that the genetic testing place made a huge mistake and I’ll be gone.”

That she and his brother thought they could just snap their fingers and undo the whole situation showed just how impulsive they’d been.

“Why are you doing this?” he demanded, badly needing to understand. “What do you get out of it?”

Something flickered in her eyes briefly before she composed her features into an expression of benign innocence. “Nothing.”

Nothing? Paul’s muscles bunched as wariness returned. That didn’t ring true. Because what he’d glimpsed in that microsecond was all the confirmation that he needed that Lia Marsh was up to no good.

* * *

Lia could tell Paul wasn’t believing her claim and decided she’d better elaborate. “I really don’t want anything from your grandfather or any of your family. I just want to help.” She infused this last statement with all her passion, wondering if anything she said would quiet Paul’s suspicions.

Earlier when she’d lo

oked up and spied Paul standing in his grandfather’s bedroom, her first reaction hadn’t been panic, but vivid, undeniable lust. The guy was just so gorgeous. For someone who made his living thwarting cybercriminals he had an amazing physique. His broad shoulders and imposing height sent her heartbeat racing while his smoldering looks drove her desires into dangerous territory.

Now, as he frowned at her, Lia was struck again by his sex appeal. Sunlight teased gold from his dark blond hair and highlighted his strong bone structure. In those all too brief moments when he wasn’t scowling, his features were almost boyishly handsome, and Lia caught herself wishing he’d smile at her. A ridiculous wish considering that he’d made his opinion of her crystal clear.

Before Paul could respond, his phone rang. He glanced down at the screen and grimaced. “I have to take this.”

The instant his attention shifted to the call, Lia retreated toward the house. She wanted to check in on Grady before heading back to her rental. Now that Paul had returned home, she decided the less time she spent around him the better for both of them.

As Lia neared the house, she spied Paul’s mother descending the wrought iron staircase from the back terrace. Constance’s welcoming smile gave Lia an unfamiliar sense of belonging that left her tongue-tied and riddled with guilt over her deception.

“There you are,” Constance said. “Isn’t Paul with you? Rosie said he’d been up to visit Grady.”

“He had to take a call.”

“It’s probably his office. I swear that son of mine does nothing but work.”

“Ethan said he’s quite good at what he does.”