“I’m so sorry,” she repeated again. Surrendering to her heart’s desire Zoe wrapped her arms around his waist and held on tight.

“Let’s be done with all the apologizing. I forgive you. If you can forgive me, then we can get past this and move forward with our lives.”

She wasn’t surprised he wanted closure on their relationship. He wasn’t the sort who left things undone.


Relief mixed with disappointment as Zoe pressed her cheek against his thudding heart. If they weren’t meant to be together, at least she could find peace in a warm parting, released from guilt and able to recall their time together free from shadows.

“Good.” Ryan’s gave her a squeeze before easing away. “Now, I have something for you.”

While Zoe wiped away the last trace of tears, Ryan pulled an envelope out of his jacket pocket.

“What is that?”

“Open it and see.”

Unsure what to make of his eager expression, Zoe opened the flap and peered inside. She glimpsed some sort of legal documents and frowned.

“Are you suing me?”

Ryan’s eyes went wide and for a long moment he appeared too stunned to speak. Then his breath hissed out and he shook his head.

“Damn, you’ve really been through the wringer, haven’t you?” He took the envelope back and pulled out the pages, turning them so she could read what was written. “You are now the proud owner of this building.”

Unable to process what she was hearing, Zoe stared at the document. “But Tristan owns the building.”

“Not anymore. For the sum of ten dollars, he sold it to you.”

The news jolted her, giving rise to hope. “Why would he do that?”

“Let’s just say that Paul, Susannah and I can be very persuasive when we combine our talents.”

“You did this?” Zoe shifted her gaze to Ryan. “Why would you help me after everything...?”

“I needed a way to keep you around.” He put the papers back in the envelope and dropped them on a nearby box before taking her hands in his.

“You do?” Zoe’s heart began to race at the expression on his face. “But you said we should move forward with our lives.”

“Damn it, Zoe.” He dropped his chin to his chest and shook his head. “I meant together.”

A strange buzzing filled her ears as she gazed up into Ryan’s gray eyes and drank in the open affection with which he stared down at her. Her mind was slow to accept what she was seeing. Could he really want to be with her after everything she’d done?


“‘Oh’?” he echoed, his tone wry. “Is that a yes?”

Yes. Yes. Yes! The word blasted through her mind, but she’d been through so much in the last year. It seemed impossible that everything had worked out so perfectly for her.

“Are you sure?” she asked, wanting so desperately for him to reassure her, but terrified that he might change his mind after further thought.

His eyebrow rose. “Do you still love me?”

“Of course,” she shot back, a smile trembling on her lips even as her throat tightened. “Always and forever.”

“That’s exactly how I feel about you.” His smile lit up her entire world. “I love you so much. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

This perfect moment seemed too fragile to last. Zoe needed a few seconds to linger in the perfect bliss of Ryan’s declaration. While her gaze toured his handsome face, she let her past hurts and failures fall away. Those things no longer had power over the Zoe Alston reflected in Ryan’s eyes.