Susannah’s request wasn’t particularly difficult to agree to given Zoe’s last conversation with Ryan. “Yes.”

“Because I asked or because you’re not in love with him?”

“I don’t see why it matters. Your brother made it clear how he feels about me.”

“It matters because I’m trying to decide whether or not to fight for my marriage and I really need to believe that love can conquer all right now.”

“Love...” Zoe mused. “Before Ryan came along, I’d never believed in it. I think you know that my own marriage wasn’t based on anything romantic or grounded in respect and trust.”

“And now?”

“I love Ryan with all my heart. It’s why I couldn’t go through with damaging your campaign. You are so important to him that by harming you, I’d be hurting him.” Zoe blew out her breath. “I just wish I’d been truthful earlier. Maybe I could’ve saved all of us a lot of pain.”

“Not me,” Susannah said, her dry smile one of sorrow but also strength. “I created my heartbreak all by myself.”

Silence filled the room for several minutes while Susannah stared off into space, giving Zoe time to contemplate all that had been said. Did Susannah want Zoe to stay away from Ryan? Why not just say that instead of asking if she would?

Could Susannah be okay with Zoe and Ryan being together? More importantly, was it possible that Ryan could someday forgive her? And was she strong enough to fight for his love?

“Why are you closing Second Chance Treasures?” Susannah said, breaking into Zoe’s thoughts. “Ryan told me you’d gotten a handle on your financial troubles and that the store was doing better.”

“My ex-husband bought the building so he could evict me.”

“You could move somewhere else and start over.”

“I don’t have enough money.” Grief welled up in Zoe. She blinked back tears. “And even if there was, I don’t have enough fight in me to pick up the pieces.”

“So what are you going to do instead?”

“Go back to Greenville and get a job.”

“What about all the women you help with the store? If you aren’t able to fight for yourself, what about them?”

Zoe’s heart gave a painful wrench at Susannah’s question, but she set her chin and gestured around the space. “This is all I have. Once I lose it...”

“Let me help you.”

r /> Even as Zoe shook her head, she realized she’d underestimated the strength of Susannah’s will.

“You can and you will.” Susannah’s eyes burned with feverish intensity. “Now, why don’t you pull out the documents London got from Tristan and let’s see what we can do to get you a better settlement.”

“I gave everything back to Tristan.”

For several seconds Susannah regarded her in surprise. “Can you go after the company who bought the building? Tristan is the owner, correct?”

Zoe brightened. Here was a question she could answer. “TA Charleston Holdings, LLC. But it won’t do you any good. It’s an offshore company that isn’t subject to US laws.” She’d done some research.

“Don’t be so cynical. I know several very good attorneys who are quite familiar with the ins and outs of offshore tax shelters.”

“I don’t know if it’s worth pursuing,” Zoe hedged. While the idea of hitting Tristan where it hurt appealed to her, her instincts cautioned against trying. “You don’t know what Tristan is like.”

“You’re afraid of him.”

Zoe nodded. “He scares me more than Everly does.”

“Well, neither one of them scares me,” Susannah declared and Zoe hoped that wasn’t the vodka talking. “You deserve to be treated fairly and I’m willing to play dirty to make that happen.”
